Issue with CSV export reporting tool
Hi Lifterlms team,
First of all, happy christmas for you and all your family.
Please, I have tried for the first time to export the CSV file (Lifterlms > Reporting > Export) to see how it works. But nothing happens. After clicking on the button, I got a message that the report was generated and I’ll receive the CSV file by email. I make the process 2 days ago and I still have not received the email. I’m using the latest version of Lifterlms (Version 3.15.1).
So please tell me if I have missed a step and how I can solve this issue.
Thank you in advance.
Kindest Regards,
Nassim Guita
Hi Nassim,
Happy holidays to you as well!
You should have received the email by now for sure.
The first step is to make sure your website is successfully sending emails. Do you get emails from the website from other areas like LifterLMS email notifications?
Please check out this email deliverability FAQ and let us know if you have further questions:
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your feedback.
In fact, I had an issue with the SMTP configuration due to a migration from a web host company to another.
I fixed the issue. But now, when I try to generate a new report, nothing happens … beside the button “EXPORT”, a message “The export is being generated.” is displayed and I can not click into the button.
The report should be generated as many time as we want, no ?
How can I fix this?
Thank you,
The exporter runs in the background and usually takes a minute or two to process. We “lock” the export until a currently processing export is complete and once complete you will be able to generate new exports.
If you have a very large site (based on # of students) it could take longer. In my testing 10K + students wasn’t taking longer than 5 minutes.
A few things to note:
The background process relies on a functioning WP_CRON. WP_CRON is not a real cron, it relies on traffic to your site to function. If you have low traffic that means the background processes running on your site *may take much longer*. A good solution (for high and low traffic sites) is to setup a REAL cron to trigger the WP_CRON. You can read about this here:
We also have some debug logging you can setup. You’ll need to add the following to your wp-config.php file:
define( 'LLMS_PROCESSORS_DEBUG', true );
After doing so data related to exports will be logged to the “processors” log file which can be viewed from LifterLMS -> Tools -> Logs
If you’re still having issues you can trigger a new export and see if anything pops up in that file and post it here so I can see what’s going on.
Finally, there could be fatal errors occurring that are causing the exporter to malfunction. Do you see anything in your server’s error logs that point to an issue here?
Hi Thomas, and thanks for your feed-back.
Please note that I have contacted my webhost (Inmotion hosting) and they have identified an error in the errors logs. Please see below the error message :
[10-Oct-2017 15:01:28 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘LLMS_Admin_Notices’ not found in /home3/nassim/
Stack trace:
#6 /home3/nassim/ do_action_ref_ in /home3/nassim/ on line 949Besides, please note that I have added the code : define( ‘LLMS_PROCESSORS_DEBUG’, true ); in the wp-config.php file but nothing happens.
Finally, they told me that they will also contact you for this issue.
Awaiting for your feed-back.
Thank you,
Nassim Guita
The error reported is from October and would be related to a bug we fixed a while ago in one of our database upgrade script so I’m certain that isn’t the issue in question here.
Now that you’ve enabled processor debugging have you followed my instructions to export again and check out the log? Anything showing there?
Hi Thomas,
I have followed your instructions and I found those lines in the “notifications” log (01/01/2018) (please see below). I found nothing abnormal in the “processors” log (05/01/2018).
FYI, I had an issue with the SMTP configuration due to a migration from a web host company to another and I have run the export when the SMTP configuration was wrong.
In the meantime, I made the needed modifications regarding the SMTP configuration. But now, when I try to generate a new report, nothing happens… beside the button “EXPORT”, a message “The export is being generated.” is displayed and I can not click on the button.
I hope those informations helps you.
Kindest regards,
01-01-2018 @ 11:00:54 – Queuing email notification ID #196
01-01-2018 @ 11:00:54 – Dispatching llms_notification_processor_email
01-01-2018 @ 11:00:55 – sending email notification ID #180
01-01-2018 @ 11:00:58 – error sending email notification ID #180
01-01-2018 @ 11:00:58 – sending email notification ID #196
01-01-2018 @ 11:01:04 – error sending email notification ID #196
01-01-2018 @ 11:01:04 – Processing for llms_notification_processor_email finished
01-01-2018 @ 14:39:13 – Queuing email notification ID #197
01-01-2018 @ 14:39:13 – Queuing email notification ID #198
01-01-2018 @ 14:39:13 – Dispatching llms_notification_processor_email
01-01-2018 @ 14:39:16 – sending email notification ID #197
01-01-2018 @ 14:39:19 – error sending email notification ID #197
01-01-2018 @ 14:39:19 – sending email notification ID #198
01-01-2018 @ 14:39:25 – error sending email notification ID #198
01-01-2018 @ 14:39:25 – Processing for llms_notification_processor_email finished
01-01-2018 @ 14:50:33 – Queuing email notification ID #201
01-01-2018 @ 14:50:33 – Dispatching llms_notification_processor_email
01-01-2018 @ 14:50:38 – sending email notification ID #201
01-01-2018 @ 14:50:40 – error sending email notification ID #201
01-01-2018 @ 14:50:40 – Processing for llms_notification_processor_email finished
01-01-2018 @ 14:55:24 – Queuing email notification ID #202
01-01-2018 @ 14:55:24 – Queuing email notification ID #203
01-01-2018 @ 14:55:24 – Dispatching llms_notification_processor_email
01-01-2018 @ 14:55:27 – sending email notification ID #202
01-01-2018 @ 14:55:29 – error sending email notification ID #202
01-01-2018 @ 14:55:29 – sending email notification ID #203
01-01-2018 @ 14:55:35 – error sending email notification ID #203
01-01-2018 @ 14:55:35 – Processing for llms_notification_processor_email finished
01-01-2018 @ 15:13:42 – Queuing email notification ID #207
01-01-2018 @ 15:13:42 – Dispatching llms_notification_processor_email
01-01-2018 @ 15:13:44 – sending email notification ID #207
01-01-2018 @ 15:13:46 – error sending email notification ID #207
01-01-2018 @ 15:13:46 – Processing for llms_notification_processor_email finished
01-01-2018 @ 15:14:19 – Queuing email notification ID #208
01-01-2018 @ 15:14:19 – Queuing email notification ID #209
01-01-2018 @ 15:14:19 – Dispatching llms_notification_processor_email
01-01-2018 @ 15:14:20 – sending email notification ID #208
01-01-2018 @ 15:14:23 – error sending email notification ID #208
01-01-2018 @ 15:14:23 – sending email notification ID #209
01-01-2018 @ 15:14:29 – error sending email notification ID #209
01-01-2018 @ 15:14:29 – Processing for llms_notification_processor_email finishedHi LifterLMS team,
Any update please ?
Kindest regards,
All of the errors in this log point to your server having SMTP issues and not being able to send mail. This would prevent the exports from functioning right as well since the exports are emailed to you when they’re ready.
Are you absolutely certain you’ve resolved your SMTP issues?
Here’s an email faq doc that may help:
Hi Thomas,
Can I send to you the credentials of my test website into [email protected] or another email address to see what happens ?
Please do not send login credentials as your email will be deleted. We have premium ticketing support for our customers available via our website. If you have an add-on you have access to support — submit a ticket at Or you can buy LifterLMS Pro which provides you with access to ticketing support.
One quick note: even with premium support, email issues are not something we can’t really resolve for you. Most of these issues are misconfigured SMTP plugins or issues that need to be resolved with your webhost. We won’t do that for you.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
Thomas Patrick Levy. Reason: clarity
Hi Thomas,
I will get LifterLMS (Universe or infinite bundle) in the next few days.
But in the meantime, please consider that the CSV export (courses section) works. I just noticed that there is 2 type of CSV export (Students and Courses). So for the Course section it works, but I’m still facing the issue with Students section (the Button “Export” is clear and this message is displayed “The export is being generated”, and nothing happens when I click on the button).
Please note that I have worked with my hosting company (Inmotion hosting) and they don’t found any misconfiguration into the SMTP. The proof is that the courses export works fine.
Awaiting for your feed-back,
NassimYou’re correct. This does prove it’s not email.
Are you certain theres *NOTHING* being logged on the processors debug file that could point to an issue?
This log will add lots of information once the processor debugging is enabled and that can help me identify what’s going on here…
Hi Thomas,
Please find below what I have found in the processors debug file (latest version : 21-01-2018).
Awaiting your update and thank you in advance.
01-05-2018 @ 12:41:05 – course data calculation dispatched for course 726
01-05-2018 @ 12:41:06 – course data calculation task called for course 726 (args below)
01-05-2018 @ 12:41:06 – Array
[post_id] => 726
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-05-2018 @ 12:41:06 – Array
[students] => 4
[progress] => 30.77
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-05-2018 @ 12:41:06 – course data calculation completed for course 726
01-05-2018 @ 12:41:06 – course data calculation started for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:02:52 – course data calculation dispatched for course 1163
01-07-2018 @ 00:02:52 – course data calculation task called for course 1163 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:02:52 – Array
[post_id] => 1163
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:02:52 – Array
[students] => 6
[progress] => 154.55
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:02:52 – course data calculation completed for course 1163
01-07-2018 @ 00:02:53 – course data calculation started for course 1163
01-07-2018 @ 00:10:07 – course data calculation dispatched for course 1163
01-07-2018 @ 00:10:08 – course data calculation task called for course 1163 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:10:08 – Array
[post_id] => 1163
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:10:08 – Array
[students] => 6
[progress] => 154.55
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:10:08 – course data calculation completed for course 1163
01-07-2018 @ 00:10:08 – course data calculation started for course 1163
01-07-2018 @ 00:11:17 – course data calculation dispatched for course 1163
01-07-2018 @ 00:11:18 – course data calculation started for course 1163
01-07-2018 @ 00:11:19 – course data calculation task called for course 1163 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:11:19 – Array
[post_id] => 1163
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:11:19 – Array
[students] => 6
[progress] => 163.64
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:11:19 – course data calculation completed for course 1163
01-07-2018 @ 00:16:48 – course data calculation dispatched for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:16:49 – course data calculation task called for course 726 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:16:49 – Array
[post_id] => 726
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:16:49 – Array
[students] => 4
[progress] => 34.62
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:16:49 – course data calculation completed for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:16:49 – course data calculation started for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:17:10 – course data calculation dispatched for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:17:10 – course data calculation task called for course 726 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:17:10 – Array
[post_id] => 726
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:17:10 – Array
[students] => 4
[progress] => 38.46
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:17:11 – course data calculation completed for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:17:11 – course data calculation started for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:20:28 – course data calculation dispatched for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:20:29 – course data calculation started for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:20:29 – course data calculation task called for course 726 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:20:29 – Array
[post_id] => 726
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:20:29 – Array
[students] => 4
[progress] => 42.31
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:20:29 – course data calculation completed for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:22:37 – course data calculation dispatched for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:22:38 – course data calculation started for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:22:38 – course data calculation task called for course 726 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:22:38 – Array
[post_id] => 726
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:22:38 – Array
[students] => 4
[progress] => 42.31
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:22:38 – course data calculation completed for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:23:33 – course data calculation dispatched for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:23:34 – course data calculation started for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:23:34 – course data calculation task called for course 726 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:23:34 – Array
[post_id] => 726
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:23:34 – Array
[students] => 4
[progress] => 46.15
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:23:34 – course data calculation completed for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:24:21 – course data calculation dispatched for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:24:22 – course data calculation started for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:24:23 – course data calculation task called for course 726 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:24:23 – Array
[post_id] => 726
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:24:23 – Array
[students] => 4
[progress] => 50
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:24:23 – course data calculation completed for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:25:03 – course data calculation dispatched for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:25:04 – course data calculation started for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:25:04 – course data calculation task called for course 726 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:25:04 – Array
[post_id] => 726
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:25:04 – Array
[students] => 4
[progress] => 53.85
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:25:04 – course data calculation completed for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 00:27:12 – course data calculation dispatched for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:27:13 – course data calculation started for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:27:15 – course data calculation task called for course 68 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:27:15 – Array
[post_id] => 68
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:27:15 – Array
[students] => 2
[progress] => 140
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:27:15 – course data calculation completed for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:28:22 – course data calculation dispatched for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:28:23 – course data calculation task called for course 68 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:28:23 – Array
[post_id] => 68
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:28:23 – Array
[students] => 2
[progress] => 140
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:28:23 – course data calculation completed for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:28:23 – course data calculation started for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:46:36 – course data calculation dispatched for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:46:37 – course data calculation started for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:46:37 – course data calculation task called for course 68 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:46:37 – Array
[post_id] => 68
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:46:37 – Array
[students] => 2
[progress] => 140
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:46:37 – course data calculation completed for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:48:08 – course data calculation dispatched for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:48:09 – course data calculation task called for course 68 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 00:48:09 – Array
[post_id] => 68
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 00:48:09 – course data calculation started for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 00:48:09 – Array
[students] => 2
[progress] => 140
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 00:48:09 – course data calculation completed for course 68
01-07-2018 @ 08:49:23 – course data calculation dispatched for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 08:49:24 – course data calculation started for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 08:49:25 – course data calculation task called for course 726 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 08:49:25 – Array
[post_id] => 726
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 08:49:25 – Array
[students] => 4
[progress] => 57.69
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 08:49:25 – course data calculation completed for course 726
01-07-2018 @ 18:28:32 – course data calculation dispatched for course 1264
01-07-2018 @ 18:28:33 – course data calculation task called for course 1264 (args below)
01-07-2018 @ 18:28:33 – Array
[post_id] => 1264
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-07-2018 @ 18:28:33 – Array
[students] => 2
[progress] => 0
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-07-2018 @ 18:28:33 – course data calculation completed for course 1264
01-07-2018 @ 18:28:33 – course data calculation started for course 1264
01-08-2018 @ 17:09:00 – course data calculation triggered for course 720
01-08-2018 @ 17:09:00 – course data calculation scheduled for course 720
01-08-2018 @ 17:09:04 – course data calculation dispatched for course 720
01-08-2018 @ 17:09:05 – course data calculation started for course 720
01-08-2018 @ 17:09:06 – course data calculation task called for course 720 (args below)
01-08-2018 @ 17:09:06 – Array
[post_id] => 720
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-08-2018 @ 17:09:06 – Array
[students] => 5
[progress] => 81.82
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-08-2018 @ 17:09:06 – course data calculation completed for course 720
01-08-2018 @ 17:10:07 – course data calculation dispatched for course 720
01-08-2018 @ 17:10:08 – course data calculation started for course 720
01-08-2018 @ 17:10:08 – course data calculation task called for course 720 (args below)
01-08-2018 @ 17:10:08 – Array
[post_id] => 720
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-08-2018 @ 17:10:08 – Array
[students] => 5
[progress] => 81.82
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-08-2018 @ 17:10:08 – course data calculation completed for course 720
01-12-2018 @ 21:39:19 – course data calculation dispatched for course 726
01-12-2018 @ 21:39:20 – course data calculation started for course 726
01-12-2018 @ 21:39:20 – course data calculation task called for course 726 (args below)
01-12-2018 @ 21:39:20 – Array
[post_id] => 726
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-12-2018 @ 21:39:20 – Array
[students] => 4
[progress] => 61.54
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-12-2018 @ 21:39:20 – course data calculation completed for course 726
01-17-2018 @ 12:09:56 – csv generation triggered for table Courses
01-17-2018 @ 12:09:56 – csv generation scheduled for table Courses
01-17-2018 @ 12:10:30 – csv generation dispatched for table Courses
01-17-2018 @ 12:10:31 – csv generation started for table Courses
01-17-2018 @ 12:10:44 – csv generation task started for table LLMS_Table_Courses
01-17-2018 @ 12:10:44 – Array
[_processor] => Array
[file] => /home/pharma52/
[handler] => LLMS_Table_Courses
[user_id] => 1
)[page] => 1
[order] => ASC
[orderby] => title
[filter] => any
[filterby] => instructor
[search] =>
[per_page] => 250
)01-17-2018 @ 12:10:44 – csv generation task started for table LLMS_Table_Courses
01-17-2018 @ 12:10:44 – Array
[_processor] => Array
[file] => /home/pharma52/
[handler] => LLMS_Table_Courses
[user_id] => 1
)[page] => 2
[order] => ASC
[orderby] => title
[filter] => any
[filterby] => instructor
[search] =>
[per_page] => 250
)01-21-2018 @ 22:47:55 – course data calculation dispatched for course 720
01-21-2018 @ 22:47:56 – course data calculation started for course 720
01-21-2018 @ 22:47:56 – course data calculation task called for course 720 (args below)
01-21-2018 @ 22:47:56 – Array
[post_id] => 720
[statuses] => Array
[0] => enrolled
)[page] => 1
[per_page] => 100
)01-21-2018 @ 22:47:56 – Array
[students] => 5
[progress] => 90.91
[quizzes] => 0
[grade] => 0
)01-21-2018 @ 22:47:56 – course data calculation completed for course 720
This is all an indication of the course export being generated.
The final line shows that the data was calculated and completed. After that it’s emailed out .
I’m really at a loss why it would complete sucessfully and not email. Are you certain this isn’t an email issue?
It looks to me like the only issues in any of the provided logs are email-related…
Hi Thomas,
I’m so confused. I don’t know… The SMTP works fine.
Can I identify any issue with myphpadmin panel and try to found any server issue with my current hosting company (inmotion hosting).
maybe I reach my previous hosting company (hostgator) and I see with them if they can unblock the situation ? Maybe the email is blocked in their server ?
Can you give me your opinion in order to help me to solve this issue ?
Thank you,
Nassim G.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
- The topic ‘Issue with CSV export reporting tool’ is closed to new replies.