• Resolved vinuel


    I’ve found this little piece of code and it’s exactly what I was looking for.
    Now, can anyone help me to get the titles of the posts as links
    to order the posts and subcategory titles as it is usually possible with posts.
    I tried but I’m not so good in coding …

    Here I’ve found the code:

    and that’s the code:

      $categories=  get_categories('child_of=6');  /// Parent Category number
      //echo  count($categories) . "<br />";
      foreach ($categories as $cat) {
     	$var = $cat->cat_ID ;
    	$lastposts = get_posts('category='.$var);
    	echo "<h1>".$cat->cat_name. "  (" .count($lastposts)." posts )</h1>";
    	echo "<ul>";
    		foreach($lastposts as $post){
    			echo "<li>";
    			echo "</li>";
     	echo "</ul>";


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  • The WordPress Default Theme shows posts title as links, so look in wp-content/themes/default/index.php for an example of that.

    Thread Starter vinuel


    thanks michael

    my brother came up with this solution and its perfect for me!
    thanks brother!

      $categories=  get_categories('child_of=6&order=desc');  /// Parent Category number
      foreach ($categories as $cat) {
     	$var = $cat->cat_ID ;
    	$lastposts = get_posts('category='.$var.'&orderby=date&order=dsc');
    	echo "<h1>".$cat->cat_name. "  (" .count($lastposts)." posts )</h1>";
    	echo "<ul>";
    		foreach($lastposts as $post){
            $whatweneed = $post->ID;
    			echo "<li><a href=https://www.mywordpressblog.de/archives/" . $whatweneed .">";
    			echo "</a></li>";
     	echo "</ul>";
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