• We want to hide the lesson from the course page. Using Content Drip it only hides the content from the lesson page. Trying to change the code we found that there is no way to add code around the lesson on the course page. It′s a loop that writes the whole list. It′s a little bit strange that the student has to click the lesson to see that it isn′t open. Or have we misunderstood something?

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  • Plugin Contributor Ken Nguyen


    Hi jakobrubenson,

    For this custom requirements, please send a request to [email protected] with subject “jakobrubenson – LearnPress Support”, we will discuss more about it ??




    Let me first say I love the plugin and it works real well for me. However, since I am one of many people that were looking for this solution and in the spirit of WordPress being open source, I post the solution for hiding the Lesson from the Course Curriculum list until it is available to the user via Content Drip.

    The file you need to modify is single-course > section > item-lesson.php. When you look at the file, you will see that this is where the “li” tags and links are generated for the Lesson list. Basically, the issue is pulling the Lesson’s start time into this page.

    First, you need to add the following code right after “$item_link = $viewable ? ‘href=”‘ . $course->get_item_link( $item->ID ) . ‘”‘ : ”;
    ?>” on line 16

    $course_id = get_the_ID();
    //$course = LP()->global[‘course’];
    $block_content = false;
    $user = learn_press_get_current_user();
    $lesson_id = $item->ID;
    $new_course_info = $user->get_course_info( $course_id );
    //if ( !$this->_course_info ) {
    // $block_content = true;
    // }
    //BLOCKprint_r( $this->_course_info );
    // BLOCKensure the lesson is in a course as setting up
    if ( $lesson_id && $item = LP_Lesson::get_lesson( $lesson_id ) ) {

    $drip_type = $item->drip_content_date_become_available;
    if ( $drip_type == ‘interval’ ) {
    $interval = $item->drip_content_interval;
    $new_lesson_start_time = strtotime( “+{$interval}”, strtotime( $new_course_info[‘start’] ) );
    //$BLOCKED!!!type = $lesson->drip_content_interval_type;
    // $this->date_available = strtotime( “+{$interval}”, strtotime( $this->_course_info[‘start’] ) );
    //} elseif ( $drip_type == ‘specific_date’ ) {
    // $date = $lesson->drip_content_specific_date;
    // if ( $date ) {
    // if ( preg_match_all( ‘!^(\d{2}) (.*) (\d{4})!’, $date, $matches ) ) {
    //$date = $matches[3][0] . ‘/’ . $matches[2][0] . ‘/’ . $matches[1][0];
    // }
    // }
    // $this->date_available = strtotime( $date );
    //BLOCKED!echo $this->date_available ,’,’, current_time( ‘timestamp’ );die();
    if ( $new_lesson_start_time > current_time( ‘timestamp’ ) ) {
    $block_content = true;
    //echo $new_lesson_start_time;
    if ( $block_content ) {?>
    <li style=”display: none;”>

    <?php }

    else {


    The next line should then be “<li <?php learn_press_course_item_class( $item->ID ); ?> data-type=”<?php echo $item->post_type; ?>”>”.

    After the closing tag, add the following code: <?php }?>

    That’s it. What I did was modify the plugin function to call the start time for each individual lesson based on the user. This is the crucial part that was very hard.

    Again, I don’t mean to step on toes Ken, but a lot of people were looking for it. Maybe you can add this now as a plugin option?

    Thread Starter jakobrubenson


    Thank you very much.

    We also want to hide the Section title above the lessons in each part. We want to hide this when alla lessons in a section is hidden.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by jakobrubenson.
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