• Admin


    Can someone please explain how this plugin works? I have seen the video but do not understand the rating system and points work. I know that you can enter in your titles and specify a number setting …. So that once you save it and publish it, you will then see a rating …. but doesn’t this defeat the whole purpose of having my users rate something? Lets say I publish something and it’s brand new, I would want my users to start rating it from scratch right? I would not want to already a rating that I inputted when i set it up. Does that make sense? Also, I have experimented with entering in numerical values but sometimes i enter a value and it automatically displays a different number in the total count? I just want a star rating scale of 1-5 stars … with I guess the first (lowest) scale being a 1 and the top being a 5 …. am i making any sense here? thanks.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Admin.
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