• I’m having my site put into WordPress. It is not yet live, however I’m working on articles and images behind the scenes.

    If an article contains more than one image, how do I select the one that I want featured?

    Apologies if I’m not using the correct terminology. This is all new to me. Thanks in advance for any help.

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  • Thread Starter digicamhelp



    Read the tutorial on adding images to the theme for all the details on how the image script works.

    If you decide to use custom fields for images, then there are three custom fields (by default) you can use:

    Feature Image

    Please note that custom field keys are case-sensitive (meaning that Feature Image and feature image are not the same).

    [sig removed per forum rules]

    Thread Starter digicamhelp


    I can’t access the info. Says I have to be a “theme club” member, whatever that is.

    Please note that I mentioned, I am new to WordPress. Again, all I want is to be able to designate one image of several on an article page to be featured.

    thanks again.

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