• Good morning,

    If you want to use this abandoned plugin, you can still make it work. Avoiding the gory details, I changed the send_mail function in the bbpress-post-via-mail/library/pvm/Connector/bbPress.php file.

    The result is a link in the email body that goes back to your site via Postmark and is properly handled and posted.

    The area of change was near the end of the function. I changed the wp_mail call and added a little something. Code snippet below (2 lines of code – 1 new – 1 modified)

    If you want to be able to reply to forums via email, I have found no other option.

    Good luck! Bryan

    // ADDED replystring and modified the wp_mail call to make the reply to address show up in the email body

    $replystring = ‘To reply to the forum, click on this link: ?subject=’.$subj.'” target=”_top”>Reply To Forum‘;

    wp_mail( $to, $subj, nl2br($replystring.”\r\n\n”.$data.”\r\n\n”.$replystring.$notices[$user->ID]), $header, $attachments );

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  • I must ask,
    Are you saying that:
    A) I can install this plugin as is and use it as originally intended by the original author now that you have changed it.
    B) If I install it I can make your changes and use it successfully.

    [this could be like the invention of sliced bread – fantastic]

    Thread Starter bbonahoom


    B is the answer.

    LOL on the sliced bread….I make no guarantees that this works for your site. But, it is an easy enough change to simply try. Just replace the wp_mail call with the two lines I wrote (in original post).

    Good luck!

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