Hello djgoe.
I am happy to assist you today.
Assuming that when you say you are receiving error “21916112” you are receiving this error:
Error: Il metodo di pagamento deve essere Contrassegno. (#21916112)
That error is thrown when you enable cash on delivery as an option but you have not set a Payment method as COD according to the error. If you are using a payment policy on eBay, then you should check the payment policy on eBay to see if COD is enabled, and if it is, you should either disable it, or add a COD fee, then refresh your account details in WP-Lister by visiting the accounts page in WP-Lister and clicking the “refresh details” link. Then try revising the listing from WP-Lister. (If a payment policy is enabled in the listing profile no payment settings in WP-Lister will be used, the payment policy will over ride all settings for payments in WP-Lister.)
If you are still having issues, you should submit a ticket to our support team here: Support Form and provide us with a sample SKU to examine, your dashboard URL, and admin login credentials so we can examine the issue directly on your site.
Kind regards,