• totalidea


    Yes, I also have serious trouble with all of the updates of FooGallery newer than v1.3.8 and I tried them all. All of the new versions crash, make galleries disappear or not working properly. As v1.4.5 is also not fixing my problems, but adding even more, I will now no longer try new updates. Instead I will stay with v1.3.8, which works just fine.

    FooGallery developers: You should seriousy consider to withdraw all versions beyond v1.3.8, and start all over again with what you have included to this great plugin since then. Otherwise you will definitely ruin its’ great reputation.

    v1.4.5 is extremely buggy, ruining quite a lot of sites. Bury the new version(s) and start all over again before people get sick of it.

    Republish v1.3.8 as v1.4.6 and start all over again. Only that will help.

    Just my two cents.

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by totalidea.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by totalidea.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by totalidea.
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  • Paul33


    I agree ….. there is no excuse to launch such buggy updates. I’m now faced with a seriously damaged business site that will probably cost me to have put right !

    Plugin Author bradvin


    @paul33 – I have replied on your other thread offering you some guidance. I hope it helps, and please reply on that thread.

    Plugin Author bradvin


    @totalidea, I have also replied on your other thread.

    Unfortunately we cannot rollback versions at this point. This version of the plugin has been 4 months in the making. We have gone through months of testing and bug fixes with a group of 50+ beta testers. Unfortunately, we cannot cover every scenario with a user base of 100,000+ sites using FooGallery.

    I know you are frustrated, but our intention is really not to break your site and cause these types of issues. For this I must apologize, and we are here to help.

    We are a small team and are trying to work through all issues as fast as we can.

    Thread Starter totalidea


    @bradvin: understood, but too late for me and maybe for others, either.

    Like I said in another topic I’ll stay with v1.3.8 as I just need to have a working gallery without any debugging and testing required. I simply just cannot afford that.



    If that’s the case then moving to another gallery is the only answer. You might have been working on it for 4 months but that’s not the point. To paraphrase – if it ain’t broke, don’t break it. It was working fine. You picked the wrong 50+ beta testers. Fortunately I only have 19 galleries. It’s an utter pain but it’s another lesson that plugins are the weak point. You can’t build your site around them and expect it to last. If you can’t afford redundancy stick to core WP functionality. WP galleries are rubbish but should at least be stable.

    I understand your frustration. You worked on it for 4 months and it isn’t going too well. I’ve had endless, ghastly and intractable problems with WP. Well we’re both stuck with it. Me more so. You are in the fortunate position that you could just walk away. I wish I could.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by digbymaass.

    I am the Co-founder of FooPlugins along with @bradvin

    I wanted to jump in here and echo his reply that we do apologize for the trouble you’ve experienced. We are doing all we can to ensure that all reported issues are fixed to the best of our ability and as fast as possible.

    We’re extremely thankful for the 100,000+ users of our free plugin and the support of our small team. Our intention, as @bradvin said, is not to break sites and cause issues. We intend to continue fixing bugs, developing new features, and making FooGallery the best it can be.



    I realise you didn’t intent to break things and I know the plugin is free and there is no guarantee of a speedy response but I’ve had no galleries showing for 24 hours now. What do you suggest we do in the meantime? I’m not very techy savvy. I see someone suggested you can download v1.3.8 manually so I could try that but I assume I should deactivate and delete the 1.4.5 version first. Does this delete my existing galleries?





    Before they updated, I deactivated, deleted and reinstalled Foogallery several times, and the existing galleries are all fine. It was nerve-wracking though.

    Being not very tech savvy myself, I did not save a copy of 1.3.8.
    Can someone tell me where to find one?




    I’ve not done it but this is from another topic on this forum:

    you can download v1.3.8 manually from here:


    Unzip it and upload the extracted folder (foogallery) to your plugins directory.



    I agree with this post. The 1.4X versions of this plugin are not good. We just discovered yesterday that the 1.4X versions are incompatible with Google AMP (your Foo galleries will not show on Google AMP), which is one of the most important developments in Website development in years. To develop in a manner that conflicts with Google AMP is completely backwards.

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