• Resolved evolute2


    Hello I use your nice plugin for about 10 years now.

    Suddenly people who buy my PDF on my site no longer receive the EDD email with a link to download it and I receive this message from Paypal :
    Check the server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to these URLs failed.

    Please can you help me ?

Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    That typically means something has changed on your site that is resulting in the IPN to fail.

    Have you installed any new plugins or made any other changes recently?

    Thread Starter evolute2


    Thank you for your answer.

    Do you think it can be the new Mailpoet 3 ?

    What can I do ?


    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    We are receiving numerous reports of this. There appears to be an issue with PayPal’s IPN today that is causing the problem. Once they resolve it, the problem will go away.

    Thread Starter evolute2


    Paypal wrote to me :

    Vérifiez le serveur gérant les notifications instantanées de paiement (IPN) PayPal. Les IPN envoyées à ces URL ont échoué :


    Si vous ne reconnaissez pas cette URL, vous faites peut-être appel à un fournisseur de services utilisant la notification de paiement instantanée en votre nom. Veuillez contacter votre fournisseur de services et lui communiquer les informations ci-dessus. Si ce problème persiste, il est possible que les notifications instantanées de paiement soient désactivées pour votre compte.

    Nous apprécierons l’attention que vous voudrez bien porter à cette question

    I am not sure they want to resolve anything since now 4 days…

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    Could you please go to Downloads > Tools > System Info and post the complete contents here (including real site URLs)?

    Thread Starter evolute2


    Ok thank you !

    Here is the system info :
    ### Begin System Info ###

    — Site Info

    Site URL: https://www.evolute.fr
    Home URL: https://www.evolute.fr
    Multisite: No

    — Hosting Provider

    Host: DBH: hemg.myd.infomaniak.com, SRV: https://www.evolute.fr

    — User Browser

    Platform: Apple
    Browser Name: Safari
    Browser Version: 11.0.1
    User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Ma
    c OS X 10_13_1) AppleWebKit/604.
    3.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/
    11.0.1 Safari/604.3.5

    — WordPress Configuration

    Version: 4.8.3
    Language: fr_FR
    Permalink Structure: /%category%/%postname%
    Active Theme: Evolute 1.0
    Parent Theme: Twenty Twelve 2.3
    Show On Front: page
    Page On Front: Accueil (#25426)
    Page For Posts: Unset
    ABSPATH: /home/clients/4c15c3b0b2b2373ea9602e80fb27f532/web/
    Remote Post: wp_remote_post() works
    Table Prefix: Length: 3 Status: Acceptable
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled
    Memory Limit: 640M
    Registered Post Stati: publish, future, draft, pending, private, trash, auto-draft, inherit, refunded, failed, revoked, abandoned, processing, active, inactive, bbpp-thankmelater-pv, preapproval, cancelled

    — EDD Configuration

    Version: 2.8.12
    Upgraded From: 2.2.2
    Test Mode: Disabled
    AJAX: Enabled
    Guest Checkout: Enabled
    Symlinks: Disabled
    Download Method: Direct
    Currency Code: EUR
    Currency Position: after
    Decimal Separator: ,
    Thousands Separator: .
    Upgrades Completed: upgrade_customer_payments_association,upgrade_payment_taxes,upgrade_user_api_keys,remove_refunded_sale_logs,stripe_customer_id_migration
    Download Link Expiration: 168 hour(s)

    — EDD Page Configuration

    Checkout: Valid
    Checkout Page: https://www.evolute.fr/commander
    Success Page: https://www.evolute.fr/confirmation-dachat
    Failure Page: https://www.evolute.fr/commander/la-transaction-a-echoue
    Downloads Slug: /downloads

    — EDD Gateway Configuration

    Enabled Gateways: PayPal standard
    Default Gateway: PayPal standard

    — EDD Tax Configuration

    Taxes: Disabled
    Tax Rate: 0
    Display On Checkout: Displayed
    Prices Include Tax: No

    — WordPress Active Plugins

    Admin Commenters Comments Count: 1.8
    All in one Favicon: 4.6
    All In One SEO Pack: 2.4.2
    Anti-Spam by CleanTalk: 5.80
    Avartan Slider: 1.7.3
    Black Studio TinyMCE Widget: 2.5.1
    Blog Content Protector: 1.1
    Content Views:
    Content Views Pro:
    Creative Commons Configurator: 1.8.27
    Decent Comments: 1.5.0
    Easy Digital Downloads: 2.8.12
    Easy Digital Downloads – Stripe Payment Gateway: 2.6.9
    Easy Digital Downloads – Widgets Pack: 1.0.9
    Easy Video Widget Box: 1.6
    EDD Mobile: 1.0.3
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP):
    Gravity Forms: 2.2.5
    Gravity Forms Directory & Addons: 3.8.1
    Gravity Forms Logging Add-On: 1.3
    Gravity Forms PayPal Standard Add-On: 2.8
    Gravity Forms Polls Add-On: 3.1
    Gravity Forms Quiz Add-On: 3.1
    Gwolle Guestbook: 2.3.6
    Highlight Author Comments: 1.0.3
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: 5.5
    Login Logo: 0.7
    MailPoet 3 (New): 3.1.0
    MailPoet 3 Premium (New): 3.0.2
    Notification Bar PRO: 2.0.9
    Page-list: 5.1
    Popular Posts Tabbed Widget for Jetpack: 1.4.2
    Quotes Collection: 2.0.9
    Subscribe to Comments Reloaded: 170607
    Tako Movable Comments: 1.0.7
    Thank Me Later: 3.3.4
    Video Sidebar Widgets: 6.0
    WP-Optimize: 2.1.1
    WP-PageNavi: 2.92
    WP-TopBar: 5.36
    WP Notes Widget: 1.0.2
    WP Simple Booking Calendar: 5.2
    WP Sitemap Page: 1.6
    WPtouch Mobile Plugin: 4.3.21

    — WordPress Inactive Plugins

    Avartan Slider Lite: 1.3.2
    Bloom: 1.0.5
    MailPoet 2:
    MailPoet Newsletters Premium: 2.7.8
    Note – A live edit text widget: 1.4.5
    PayPal IPN for WordPress: 1.1.2

    — Webserver Configuration

    PHP Version: 5.6.22
    MySQL Version: 5.6.35
    Webserver Info: Apache

    — PHP Configuration

    Memory Limit: 640M
    Upload Max Size: 300M
    Post Max Size: 300M
    Upload Max Filesize: 300M
    Time Limit: 60
    Max Input Vars: 1000
    Display Errors: On (1)
    PHP Arg Separator: &

    — PHP Extensions

    cURL: Supported
    fsockopen: Supported
    SOAP Client: Installed
    Suhosin: Not Installed

    — Session Configuration

    EDD Use Sessions: Enabled
    Session: Enabled
    Session Name: PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path: /
    Save Path: /home/clients/4c15c3b0b2b2373ea9602e80fb27f532/tmp
    Use Cookies: On
    Use Only Cookies: On

    ### End System Info ###

    And the advertising from Paypal :

    Vérifiez le serveur gérant les notifications instantanées de paiement (IPN) PayPal. Les IPN envoyées à ces URL ont échoué :


    Si vous ne reconnaissez pas cette URL, vous faites peut-être appel à un fournisseur de services utilisant la notification de paiement instantanée en votre nom. Veuillez contacter votre fournisseur de services et lui communiquer les informations ci-dessus. Si ce problème persiste, il est possible que les notifications instantanées de paiement soient désactivées pour votre compte.

    Thank’s Pippin

    Thread Starter evolute2


    And I suppose you receive my other question about your EDD stripe I bought yesterday.
    But one thing after another!

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    That all looks fine.

    Is the IPN still failing?

    Thread Starter evolute2


    Yes ! It is still falling just now : I have to go to Download / History. Click on the last one, click on show details and inside click on Waiting and put : Ending
    And then people can get my mail !…

    It is a little complicated, isn’t it ?!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by evolute2.
    Thread Starter evolute2


    If you like I can give you access on my site…

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    We can do that but we’ll need to have you open a support ticket through our main support system as www.remarpro.com does not permit sharing account log ins.


    Thread Starter evolute2


    I did it, thank you !

    Thread Starter evolute2


    When it will be possible, can you see on my site what happened ?
    More than 1 week now I have a problem with Paypal IPN…
    This morning too : Vérifiez le serveur gérant les notifications instantanées de paiement (IPN) PayPal. Les IPN envoyées à ces URL ont échoué :

    But Stripe I bought few days ago works well.

    Thank you

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    I’m replying through the private support ticket now to assist in resolving the problem.

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