• I am setting up one of my first wordpress blogs and had a question about the best way to organize content. It is a product review blog.

    I have 4 main categories that each have multiple sub categories.

    Brands: (Altec Lansing, Bose, Logitech, Creative, Sony, JBL, ….)
    Speaker Type: ( Boombox, desk, premium, home, portable, alarm clock)
    Story Types: (News, Reviews, Interviews, Announcements, Buying Guide, Feature Guide)
    Price: (less than $100, $100 to $150, $150 to $200, $200 to $300, $300 and Up)

    My plan was to assign each post to one category from each section if applicable.

    a speaker to review would have a brand, speaker type, story type, and a price.
    a news story may only have a brand and story type.

    Is this overkill? How would you organize this content?

    Should I be using all tags?

    Thanks! Looking for the easiest simplest way to organize the site.

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  • I think the proposed categorization is realistic.

    Tags offer another option, as you noted, but tags have no hierarchy, while categories can be of a Parent->Child nature.

    There is also Custom Fields, but again there’s not really a hierarchy there either. But Custom Fields are probably the most flexible, but might require a bit more work to provide link to see all Bose brand articles, for instance.

    I’d recommend creating a few categories, tags, and custom fields with several posts and get a feel for the objects (e.g. Categories in the sidebar, or Tags via the Tag Cloud Widget) that are used to access that info.

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