I emailed BC but they suggested I include it in a support forum, and this is a similar topic so I’ll add my comment ??
For now what I’d really like is that since I don’t have many events entered yet – I’d want to have a “This week in history”. So that way I could still give people content but I wouldn’t worry that there are more empty days than not.
You could add a parameter such as “showweek=” (S,M,3,7)
S = if you live in a region that has their week start on a Sunday
M = if your region’s calendar starts on a Monday
3 = have a sliding week so it will look for events for today and from 3 days ago to 3 days in the future.
7 = today and the next 6 days following
So my “7” idea is similar to what was suggested before, and the other (S,M,3) values could include days in the past.