Hi thewanderer7,
That’s a lot of questions in one thread ??
I’ll try to go through them one by one. For future questions that are not related, I suggest opening a new thread so I can keep track of the status more easy.
I’m trying to setup properly the time settings but I’m not yet able to hide the matches already started… Can you help me?
Wordpress Settings
Timezone => Rome
Matches => all put with the Rome Timezone Settings
Match time setting => Use UTC time
Is it correct? Obviously not, because it always fail with the deadline… Can you help with an example?
No, this is not correct. As you already figured out yourself.
If you set the WordPress timezone to Rome and the match settings to use UTC time, then you’ll have to enter the matches in the admin in UTC times. In the first admin screen for the matches you can always check the times in both local and UTC time.
p.s. The above settings are the recommended settings. So, place your WP in your local timezone and enter the matches in the database in UTC. That way the exported match schedule could – in theory – be used by everyone around the world without having to recalculate the times to their local time.
But if I look at your debug info, then that doesn’t reflect the settings you mentioned in your first post.
WordPress timezone offset: 0
WordPress timezone string:
WordPress current date (local): 2017-10-26 14:34:54
WordPress current date (UTC): 2017-10-26 14:34:54
This tells me that your timezone setting in WP is UTC+0 or GMT time.
For instance, I am in the same timezone as you (Amsterdam) and my output is:
WordPress timezone offset: 2
WordPress timezone string: Europe/Amsterdam
WordPress current date (local): 2017-10-26 21:47:40
WordPress current date (UTC): 2017-10-26 19:47:40
See the difference between my local and UTC output? UTC time is 2 hours before the local time, which is correct because my timezone setting of Amsterdam (offset = 2) means UTC+2 (add 2 hours to the UTC time).
Italian Translation: I started to translate it but nobody is approving my translation… Can you help with this?
This is also still kinda new to me. As far as I know, you have to ask an existing Italian language editor to approve your translations or become one yourself. I proposed you as a translation editor for the plugin (see this post). And if this is approved, then you can approve your own translations. Please note that the level of translations needs to reach 95% before a language pack will be automatically created.
If you need more info about the translation system, then I suggest you get in touch with someone from the Italian polyglots team.