Media Temple and mod_rewrite
Does anyone who is running WP on Media Temple have any issues with running the mod_rewrite rules? I keep getting 403 and 500 errors. I got this message from their Tech support:
“In order to use mod_rewrite on an (mt) Shared Server platform, you must first add in a line to
your .htaccess where your RewriteRules are. To do this, simply locate your .htaccess file with the
mod_rewrite rules in it, and add the following line to it at the top:
Options FollowSymlinks
Now your mod_rewrite rulesets should work fine. Also, you do not have to use “RewriteEngine on” in
your .htaccess – it is on by default.
Please note that unless you do this in the top level .htaccess file, you may need to place this
directive in each .htaccess file that has mod_rewrite rules. Also, mod_rewrite is considered to be a
custom modification by (mt) Media Temple, and may not be supported beyond (mt) Media Temple
verifying that mod_rewrite is available on your server and is working properly.”
When I go to options > permalinks with that .htaccess file in there I get a 500. I’m trying to run 1.3 alpha – could this be the cause?
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