• Hi there. WordPress looks great, and I think I’d like to use it for a project I’m working on, but it’s not a traditional blog in the manner in which I’ve typically seen/heard that used. Rather, I want to make a site with some different subject areas (debates, discussion topics, something along those lines) . . . post a “discussion starter” (a paragraph or few at the top) then allow commenting from anyone that cares to below that (comments from other users blog style). But I didn’t want the blog to “roll” past one topic, I wanted to have several operating simultaneously. Such that each could have their own URL and their own “blog.” My **guess** (??) is that this would be similar to having several blogs operating simultaneously, but under the same domain name.
    Is there a way to do that with WordPress? I did read the features area, but perhaps not surprisingly, didn’t see anything like that referenced. If someone could let me know or point me toward any already existent instructions that would be swell. Thanks!

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  • You can install as many wordpress databases on as many mysql databases you have avaliable. Im not sure i understand exactly what you want to do, but personally, i have 2 wordpress installs, so it is possible.

    Currently WP does not integrate more than one blog together.
    However, as cynikalsam said, you can install more than one (11 here) and then combine them together into whatever index, or reference page you like using RSS feeds to pull the latest comments into view.
    It’s not automatic, you will have to tear at it, and code a bit.
    I hear multi-blog is a forthcoming feature.
    One way of handling a “community” i found which works well is to allow registration. I operate a studio community (formerly phpbb) and with WP, i have a lot more control over the users, but at the same time each post is more like an article. a single thought, less like a “shout out” so the content is percieved as being somewhat more durable. Further, comments are open to all, so there is more discourse. And that’s with a single install of WP.
    hope that helps.

    sounds like a matter of design and practice to me.
    nothing WP can’t handle already.
    try poking about and looking at as many different WP sites as you can find. see how people are using it, and then decide if it’s right for you. very often the solution is already in the code, it is merely a matter of language, or application.
    but 10 topics for discussion is a simple matter of setting the number of posts displayed on the index to “10”
    make sure comments are “on”
    and you’re done.
    : )

    Maybe categories is the way to go, one blog, as many categories as you need, and perhaps using the mod-rewrite for clean urls?

    Thread Starter ramonarock


    Thanks for the feedback! I will poke around, it does sound as though what I want to do should be relatively simple after all. Thanks again! ??

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