• Hi there,

    I’m writing because I have trouble to understand how templates are managed in BBPress (and wordpress I guess :)).
    In BBPress, I’d like to have a specific template on the main forum page (the one displaying the different forums). And another template for the page displaying the different topics.

    Currently in the wordpress page where I pasted the short code [bbp-forum-index], I call the template bbpress.php, which is presented in the bbpress codex (See example at the end of the topic).

    But how can I create a specific template for my forum index (listing all my forums), for instance “forum-display.php”. And another template, listing my topics (for instance “topic-display.php”).

    Maybe my file bbpress.php is not appropriate to do so ? or need to be customized a bit ?

    NB : I’m using twenty twelve theme

    I hope my question is clear,
    Thank you for your help,

    Template Name: index-forum
    get_header(); ?>
    <div id="primary" class="site-content">
    		<div id="content-forum" role="main">
    		Start the Loop
    		while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    		This is the start of the page and also the insertion of the post classes.
    		Post classes are very handy to style your forums.
    			<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
    			This is the title wrapped in a header tag
    			and a class to better style the title for your theme
    			<header class="entry-header">
    			<h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    			This is the content wrapped in a div
    			and class to better style the content
    			<div class="entry-content">
    			<?php the_content(); ?>
    			<!-- .entry-content -->
    			<!-- #post -->
    			<?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
    	 	<!-- #content -->
    	 	<div class="login-sidebar"><?php dynamic_sidebar('forum_login_zone');?></div>
    	<!-- #primary -->
    This is code to display the sidebar and the footer.
    Remove the sidebar code to get full-width forums.
    This would also need CSS to make it actually full width.
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
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  • Hi @pmatteudi,

    I also implemented bbPress to my site using community slug for my forum. My requirement is different, though. In your case, I see two probable solutions.

    Option 1:
    You mentioned about using the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] to display forum listings on a WordPress page. Have you tried adding another WP page that has the short code [bbp-topic-index] for the topic listings?

    You can create individual page template to be used for each of the WP pages above.
    Below is a resource URL that explains Page Templates.


    Basically, you just need to add below lines above the template file and save the template file to any filename identifying your template inside your child theme’s folder. I have the habit of adding page suffix so I know at once it is a page template. Change the name Full Width Page relevant to your filename, for easy reference.

     * Template Name: Full Width Page
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
     * @since Twenty Twelve 
        //Insert code here

    Insert the custom code in the file (the body of the index-forum from your example should suffice for full width or if you want the other file with sidebar, then add the following before the get_footer.

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    Once you have the page templates, and since you have the two WordPress pages, each for forums and topics, go to Edit Page for each page and pick your custom template under the Page Attributes.

    Option 2:
    Use bbpress archive templates.

    Navigate to:


    and copy archive-forum.php and archive-topic.php inside your child theme’s folder (themes/your-child-theme/copy here). These two files call the content-archive-forum.php and content-archive-topic.php, which are both located on the bbpress plugin folder.


    Insert your custom code on the archive-forum.php and archive-topic.php but typically what existed are enough, except when you need to use a different header, sidebar or footer.

    Note: It is strongly suggested to make the necessary customization using a child theme.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by bigacelloy.
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