Thank you for responding. I think I did something wrong, because I tried numbering a few “test” pages, and am still flummoxed :(. I think my using a “fancy” theme has also muddied the waters.
I also think I messed up something when I uploaded this widget called page_mash, which I thought would solve my problem. But I am so inexperienced that I am obviously making all sorts of errors. After installing this to the sidebar of the these I am using, another feature (which showed random images) just disappeared. I deleted the files for this widget, but things have not reverted back to where they were before.
I am in way over my head ?? I have had a site up on MSN Groups for several years which is listed in Open Directory DMOZ. MSN Groups is closing next month and I have been scrambling to find a suitable replacement for all the material on
This site has lots of followers and has spared many people from suffering the serious injury to their health by reading about my experience before having cosmetic surgery. I transferred all the info over to, but that site is not for me. I needed a website and domain of my own that people could find in the search engines. I had very good luck in that regard with the MSN Groups site.
So I signed up with BlueHost and thought I would be able to use WP to create a site similar to my old . I have a free blog on WP, but that is simple.
I just don’t know HOW to use WP as I am totally ignorant about code. I would gladly pay someone to do this for me or to tutor me through creating this site, but I live on a poverty income. My health is so poor that I cannot handle entire days behind this computer, as I have done, for it ti be all wasted time and energy because I do not know what I am doing. In a very real sense, I am afraid I will die soon and a decade’s worth of the most accurately documented botched cosmetic surgery will be lost. I live alone, and am so severely disabled at this point that I cannot even speak on the phone.. I simply do not have the BREATH to speak
I know this post doesn’t belong here, but I am desperately seeking help to get this website up so my information will still be out there when people look for it. I can copy all the pages from the old site to the new one, but I do not know how to create a hierarchy, and where these files should be stored in the C-Panel file manager. There are hundreds of clinical photos and videos documenting my case as well.. 10 years worth of meticulous photo documentation of physical changes . Why is it so hard to create a website when it is so easy to do it on these free servers?
Please forgive my digression into hopelessness. and thank you for your help. I am sorry to have violated the proper usage of this forum. Desperation makes people do desperate things.