There may be a CSS way of doing it, but the best practice would probably be (in my opinion) is to override parent’s function to create and render your own content.
The following article I thought might be helpful:–cms-22623
However, you can do another thing if you don’t really want to “override” parent function, i.e. by writing your own function in your child theme’s functions.php
file and call it in child theme’s footer.php, where you have ?php bento_copyright_my(); ?>
The function you write in your child theme could look like this:
if ( ! function_exists( 'your_theme_custom_copyright_info' ) ) {
function your_theme_custom_copyright_info() {
$copyright = '© '.date_i18n( __( 'Y', 'bento') );
$sitename = '<a href="'.esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ).'">'.esc_attr(
get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ).'</a>';
echo '<div class="footer-copyright">' . $copyright . ' ' . $sitename .
then call it in footer.php file in your child theme folder by replacing <?php bento_copyright_my(); ?>
with <?php your_theme_custom_copyright_info(); ?>
Let me know if this helps!