• Resolved Sueneé


    I made updates for core function of overlay mode. I thnik now it should work for nearly all templates. It is universal as long as possible.

    // refactoring of function: S:\nfs\www\wp\www\wp-content\plugins\image-source-control-isc\isc.class.php
        public function get_image_by_url($url = '')
          global $wpdb;
          if (empty($url))
            return 0;
          $types = implode('|', $this->_allowedExtensions);
           * check for the format 'image-title-(e12452112-)300x200.jpg(?query…)' and removes
           *   the image size
           *   edit marks
           *   additional query vars
          $newurl = esc_url(preg_replace("/(-e\d+){0,1}(-\d+x\d+){0,1}\.({$types})(.*)/i", '.${3}', $url));
          // remove protocoll (http or https)
          // $newurl = str_ireplace(array('http:', 'https:'), '', $newurl);
          $newurl = preg_replace("#^(http)s?://[a-z0-9.-]+(/.+)$#i", '$2', $newurl);
          $newurl = "^.*".str_replace(".", '\.', $newurl)."$";
          $sql = "SELECT ID FROM <code>&quot;.$wpdb->posts.&quot;</code>";
          $sql .= " WHERE guid REGEXP %s";
          $sql .= " AND post_type='attachment'";
          $sql .= ' LIMIT 1';
          // not escaped, because escaping already happened above
          $raw_query = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $newurl);
          $query     = apply_filters('isc_get_image_by_url_query', $raw_query, $newurl);
          $id        = $wpdb->get_var($query);
          return $id;
    // S:\nfs\www\wp\www\wp-content\plugins\image-source-control-isc\public\public.php
          public function content_filter($content)
            // display inline sources
            $options = $this->get_isc_options();
            if (isset($options['display_type']) && is_array($options['display_type']) && in_array('overlay', $options['display_type']))
              //$pattern = '#(\[caption.*align="(.+)"[^\]*]{0,}\])? *(<a [^>]+>)? *(<img .*class=".*(alignleft|alignright|alignnone|aligncenter)??.*wp-image-(\d+)\D*".*src="(.+)".*/?'.'>).*(?(3)(?:</a>)|.*).*(?(1)(?:\[/caption\])|.*)#isU';
              $pattern = '#<img .*src="(.+)".*/?'.'>#isU';
              $count   = preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches);
              if (FALSE !== $count)
                for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
                  // get source
                  $src = $matches[1][$i];
                  $id  = $this->get_image_by_url($src);
                  // don’t show caption for own image if admin choose not to do so
                  if ($options['exclude_own_images'])
                    if (get_post_meta($id, 'isc_image_source_own', TRUE))
                  if (!$source_string = $this->render_image_source_string($id))
                  // add space if needed
                  $options['source_pretext'] .= $options['source_pretext'] ? ' ' : '';
                  $source      = '<p class="isc-source-text">'.$options['source_pretext'].$source_string.'</p>';
                  $old_content = $matches[0][$i];
                  // add own class with-source and/or if missing add unique class for image
                  if (preg_match("/wp-image-".$id."/i", $old_content))
                    $new_content = str_replace('wp-image-'.$id, 'wp-image-'.$id.' with-source', $old_content);
                    $new_content = str_replace('class="', 'class="wp-image-'.$id.' with-source ', $old_content);
                  // find alignment
                  if (preg_match('/class="[^"]*(alignleft|alignright|alignnone|aligncenter)[^"]*"/i', $old_content, $alignment))
                    $alignment = $alignment[1];
                    $alignment = '';
                  $content = str_replace($old_content, '<div id="isc_attachment_'.$id.'" class="isc-source '.$alignment.'"> '.$new_content.$source.'</div>', $content);
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