• In WP 2.6 it was possible to choose an unpublished page as parent page attribute of a page. I used that for my navigation on this site: https://www.cevi.ws. In 2.7 it is not possible anymore. The unpublished pages don’t appear in the pulldown menu.
    Is this a feature or a bug? For me it’s a problem…

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  • I am having the same MAJOR problem. I am developing a new site and I do not see a drop down menu for parent pages, which my design requires.

    Please help.

    Well, I figure out the “problem.” All of my pages are drafts. I had to publish a page before it was available as the parent page.

    Not sure I like this, as I wanted to develop behind the scenes.

    Neither can I. My drop-down list shows only 15 choices, with no scroll available, and I can’t use the down arrow to go further (and I have have more than 14 published pages (15th choice is “no parent”) to choose from).

    I use unpublished pages as parents (shown in bold) to create this effect: blog.com/pix/2008/page, and blog.com/pix/2009/page.

    Currently, it won’t work this way when I update existing pages or publish new ones. Manually editing the stub/permalink won’t work because the slash is automatically removed.

    Hi folks,

    I just run into the very same problem. And it seems, in the meantime there is a bug-ticket about that which targets v2.8.

    For those of you who cannot wait (includes me) there is a quick and dirty hack, which ignores privacy, authentication and surely some coding and forum rules… but here it is:

    Replace line 2168 of file wp-include/post.php with:
    $query = "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE (post_type = 'page') $where ";

    Be aware that this feature is about to make its way in v2.8 so it won’t matter that this hack will get overridden.

    ~~~ Cheers.

    One further note:

    This way of reintroducing the feature IS NOT RECOMMENDED AND HIGHLY UNSTABLE. i.e. the parent-relationships get corrupted now and then, so be careful and don’t expect to much.

    Aside of that, it seems to work.



    Mmh, I guess I’m responsible to avoid destroyed wordpresses ??

    In v2.7.1 the code line changed! Don’t use line 2168 anymore. To reintroduce this hack change line 2173.

    Be careful!

    Changing the status of the post/page of flutter panels is not working. there is an error in the admin panel regarding posts_status. HOw to resolve that error ../wp-admin/page.php?action=edit&post=1180#post_ststus.
    Please help

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