I have done a workarround which will at least will reduce the impact of my customers not receiving an email.
Since the first email is working I am using that one to reply to the customer. However please bare in mind that you of course will NOT receive any more the email. That is of course also a huge down point. However for you not to loose the messages the customer will send you use the next plugin:
This will save your replies to a database table and you can read them logging in into your WordPress Admin.
For me it was a primary goal to have details in a Database so the impact is not that huge anymore. However if you need to give a quick reply to a customer you will have to keep your wordpress instance open an refresh the page of the SAVE CS7.
Until this issue is solved it may be a solution. Downgrading up to the 4.7 did not work for me. And I had to have the reply to the customer up and running. This is essencial to my business.
Hope we have a final solution as soon as possible!