• First of all, I’d like to thank you for designing a relatively simple and easy to use plugin that fills a unique niche that no one else seems to have filled. I really like that the interface and settings are to the point and easy to understand.

    Also, this plugin works just fine with the auto-install in WP 2.7. I think you can safely change the “Tested up to” to 2.7 in the readme.txt.

    That said, I know the main page says there is a list of things to do for future releases, but I thought I’d all my $.02 into the fray:

    1. Support for multiple concurrent events
    2. Ability to add event description to the event setup.
    3. Ability to record payments by check (or cash in person) within the admin interface.
    4. Corollary to the above, the ability to view (and edit) the registrant info in the admin interface.
    5. Custom automated replies that can include registration info, event info, contact info, and a unique confirmation code (human readable or short hex code would be ideal). (It would be useful to have the address to send the check in the email reply!)
    6. Post event registration as a Post rather than a Page in WP.
    7. Ability to register more than one person in one form (with independent confirmation codes)
    8. Printable tickets (with barcodes?)
    9. Ability for various price levels
    10. Admin capability to waive price

    Yes, I know it’s a big wish list. I’m only barely knowledgeable in PHP or I’d send you patches. As it is I may modify my install and see if I can get any of the simpler suggestions to work… but don’t hold your breath. I’m a much better sysadmin than programmer.

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  • as far as i know the author (avdude) is developing a new version. so i′m going to add my wishes in here.

    this is where i agree with “stormgard”
    1. support for multiple active events
    4. edit registrant info and maybe switch him/her to another event
    6. insert registration in posts not events
    10. no price on events

    this where i don′t agree with “stormgard”
    8. printable tickets with barcodes

    my wishes for further improvements
    1. custom forms with custom titles and the ability to switch between necessary and not-necessary form-fields
    2. attendee list on a page or post
    3. “print”-button in the front-end attendee-list to make printing of avery-labels (or similar name-tags) possible. advanced: add print-css classes to the form-fields, so you could style your name-tag in the admin-area
    4. confirmation mail with confirmation link to check if attendee is human and e-mail-adress correct. after confirmation-link is clicked, attendee gets in attendee-list

    hope this (or some eventr) will feature this somewhere in the future.

    I have a new version almost ready. If you are interested in a pre-release let me know. [email protected]

    I have added:
    Support for a single or choice of multiple events.
    Ability to edit/delete attendee records
    Ability to recieve/post manual payments
    Support to use 0.00 as event fee
    Ability to edit events
    Support for 4 custom questions to event per event (easily increase)
    Ability to edit confirmation email from Admin panel

    after trying your new version i can only recommend everybody giving your plugin a try. it′s worth it. thanks a lot!



    This plug-in looks wonderful!

    I love how you’ve taken people’s suggestions so seriously. I’d like to make another one:

    Multiple pricing options, for instance:
    Individual seat = $35, Table for 8, $260

    I don’t suppose there’s a quick little fix for this?


    Congrats for the plugin! I’d like to add my tiny and hopefully quite easy to accomplish wishlist to make it perfect:

    1. Please, don’t ask for State and ZIP code as defaults (it doesn’t look good for non-American users).
    2. If the Page where the registration form is on has text above it, don’t push the text to after the form: it would be useful to add some notes on how to register, etc.
    3. Ability to only accept Paypal/CC payments (no cash).
    4. Better HTML for the form: for example, no p align=left or b, usage of labels and no br.

    Having said that, the plugin is really great, and I assume these would be simple things to edit, right? ??

    Good work!

    A new release is now available. Changes include multiple language support, better formatting, seperate files for various functions (easier to edit for you), ability to place a specific event on a page by id verses the list or default event, and date sorting of events to only show those (when you list all events) events that are in the future (newer than today).

    yea, people! give it a try. i tried all avaible systems and now sticking with avdudes release for month! i run one large show (80 exhibitors, 600 attendees, 3 days, 3 locations) and everything run just fine! i′ll make a second one with the same system and you should all give this a try (and make some donations). i (still) use version 2.9, but i′ll have to switch to the newer version after the next show (and donate something).

    mister avdude: thanks a lot! and please keep on your good work!

    Thanks for the positive input and all donations!

    Has anyone used this plug-in with a seating chart? I’d really like to use this plug-in for event registration with seat selection. Any sugestions?


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