Sorry, but I went a week with not a single reply. It was a bit irritating. The theme I’m using at the moment’s index.php says…
<?php get_header();?><div id="main"> <div id="content"> <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <p class="date"> <span class="month"> <?php the_time('M') ?> </span> <span class="day"> <?php the_time('d') ?> </span> <span class="year"> <?php the_time('Y') ?> </span> </p> <h2 class="title"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> <div class="meta"> <p>Published by <?php the_author_posts_link() ?> under <?php the_category(',') ?> <?php edit_post_link(); ?></p> </div> <div class="entry"> <?php the_content(__('Continue Reading »')); ?> <?php wp_link_pages(); ?> </div> <p class="comments"> <?php comments_popup_link(__('No responses yet'), __('One response so far'), __('% responses so far')); ?> </p> </div> <?php endwhile; else: ?>
<p><?php _e('Sorry, due to technical difficulties YSLAR is acting a bit screwy. Please try to find what you are looking for using the menus and search box to your right!'); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<p align="center"><?php posts_nav_link(' - ','« Prev','Next »') ?></p> </div> <?php get_sidebar();?> <?php get_footer();?>
When I change it to a different theme it does the same thing, so I’m not sure that it has to do with the theme’s index.php.