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  • Did you read the documentation for that theme and follow all the steps?

    If your WordPress blog worked fine before you installed that template, then the problem is most likely with the template. If you are sure you have installed it correctly, then you need to go back to the theme author, show them the link, and ask them for help.

    In the meantime, you might want to switch back to the default theme.

    Also, did you install this on WordPress 2.6 or 2.7? You’ve got 2.6 selected as your WP version for this post.

    Thread Starter jsandifer


    Yes, read and followed to the tee. I helped another friend install the same theme and it is working fine, so just a little perplexed with this. Thinking it must be the theme…because the default works and as soon as I apply the theme I just see the html.

    no, youve done something wrong.


    proves it. Thats not even close to normal for what ought to be displaying there.

    compare that to this:

    you ought to see a blank page OR errors when loading up theme files in a browser like that.

    Thread Starter jsandifer


    Not sure how that proves it? I will uninstall the theme and try it again.

    it proves it because its not behaving as expected. unless that theme is completely different than E v e r y o t h e r WordPress theme on the planet? Ive looked at an awful lot of themes in 4 years and Ive never seen a theme that loads like that when called directly.

    theres one million examples of what Im describing on the WWW right now.

    so if you have done exactly what you should have done to install that theme.. then it’s one hell of a diff. kind of theme. I spose anything is possible.

    and apparently that theme is completely different than every other theme, since even on the author’s site it does that:

    My apologies for saying you had done something wrong.

    thats damn screwy. I would download the files and look but I ain’t buying a theme to help someone. ?? sorry.

    Thread Starter jsandifer


    Ok, so experience tells you that. I was just looking for the reasoning behind the example you gave. I am new at this and appreciate your knowledge. I will continue to trouble shoot…

    my experience, yes. is this theme different? it appears so.

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