Thank you–having the link and explanation helped me figure out where the issue is, which is that #
characters are not allowed in Twitter URLs (ref: Stack Overflow).
Per that thread, you can get around that by replacing the #
character in your URL. This code seems to work for me (you can add this to your theme functions.php file or someplace similar, but please practice safe coding and back up your files, etc. etc.):
add_filter( 'scriptlesssocialsharing_twitter_url', 'prefix_update_pound_signs', 100 );
function prefix_update_pound_signs( $url ) {
return str_replace( '#', '%23', $url );
Although this seems to work, it will, as I understand it, have the net result of converting your #84
to a hashtag in tweets, which I doubt would be helpful to you. Another option which would avoid this would be to change your title format to not include the #