1 – Create a page template to use for your main front page :
Let’s say you name this template file : template_index.php
2- Use this template for your main page =>wp-admin => edit page =>page template
3- Then edit this template file as renato_s said, with a query post and a loop anywhere you want the last 5 posts to appear :
<?php query_posts('orderby=date&order=DSC&showposts=5'); ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<strong>- do your stuff (title, permalink, date, author, excerpt, etc...) -</strong>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php wp_reset_query(); ?>
Note the query_posts statement : “orderby=date&order=DSC&showposts=5”
you adjust the “showpost” variable to the number of post you want to display… In my example, it’s 5…