• Resolved ozzymuppet



    I have some features on my site which show discount value, and other similar amounts which need converted. Using a previous plugin I would use a shortcode to display the values as such…

    [shortcodename price=1.99]

    And it would convert and display that $1.99 USD base price to whatever value it was in the currency selected.

    Is there a way I can achieve this (even with PHP) with the current plugin, and could you offer this shortcode in the future?


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  • +1 Great idea


    Thanks for the idea – will add it in next update.

    Best regards,

    P.S. Regarding “…how this can be done even with PHP…” – I didn’t have time to test it, but hopefully this should work:

    echo alg_get_product_price_by_currency( 1.99, alg_get_current_currency_code() );

    Please let me know if it’s working.

    Best regards,

    Hi again,

    We’ve just released v2.4.1, where we’ve added [woocommerce_currency_switcher_convert_price] shortcode.

    This can be used in two ways:

    1. Calculate price in current (i.e. chosen by user) currency:

    [woocommerce_currency_switcher_convert_price price="1.99"]

    2. Calculate price in selected currency:

    [woocommerce_currency_switcher_convert_price price="1.99" currency="AUD"]

    Or if you wish to use PHP:

    echo alg_convert_price( array( 'price' => 1.99 ) );


    echo alg_convert_price( array( 'price' => 1.99, 'currency' => 'AUD' ) );

    Please let me know if it’s working correctly.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter ozzymuppet


    Oh my gosh, that’s awesome!!! I just checked back here hoping maybe you’d added this now, and you have. Excellent! I’ll try it out ASAP and let you know the result.

    Thread Starter ozzymuppet


    Ok, tested it out. Like a few other plugins I’ve seen, it tries to be helpful by outputting a nice HTML output instead of just a raw number, which is probably suitable for most users, but I’m looking for raw output.

    So currently when I do this:
    echo alg_convert_price( array( ‘price’ => 1.99 ) );

    Instead of outputting just 1.99 (or whatever), it outputs:
    <span class=”woocommerce-Price-amount amount”><span class=”woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol”>$</span>1.99</span>

    Which causes problems when I’m feeding the output into other functions.

    If you could maybe add a version of the same which just outputs the raw converted value that would be perfect! For now I’ll just have to butcher the code a little to get what I want, but an official function would be better hehe ??

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by ozzymuppet.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by ozzymuppet.
    Thread Starter ozzymuppet


    Update for anyone else looking for similar raw unformatted value…
    This file: alg-switcher-functions.php

    Replace: “return wc_price( alg_get_product_price_by_currency( $atts[‘price’], $atts[‘currency’] ), array( ‘currency’ => $atts[‘currency’] ) );”

    with: “return alg_get_product_price_by_currency_global( $atts[‘price’], $atts[‘currency’] );”

    Took me a while to understand why there was no mention of classes/css in your code… then I realised what wc_price was. Clever.

    LOVE this plugin. It’s easily the best currency plugin for Woocommerce – I’ve tried them all, some much more expensive and nowhere near as good. The code is very clean, some very smart and useful automated features, but still a very light and fast package. You’ve done a great job with this.

    Hi @ozzymuppet,

    Thanks for the feedback. No problem – I will add raw price in next plugin update (either as new function, or maybe I’ll add new parameter to existing alg_convert_price() function, so you can choose if you want it raw or with tags). Shouldn’t take too long.

    By the way – you can remove all tags at once with PHP’s strip_tags() function (https://php.net/manual/en/function.strip-tags.php), which will leave only the price and currency symbol, something like:

    echo strip_tags( alg_convert_price( array( 'price' => 1.99 ) ) );

    Then you can remove the currency symbol (and maybe space) and you got a raw number.

    P.S. If you like the plugin, please leave us a rating.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter ozzymuppet


    Rating added ??

    strip_tags() ! That will come in very handy, thanks man.


    We’ve just released new v2.5.0. As promised, we’ve added format_price attribute (defaults to yes) to the shortcode and function, so now you can use it something like this:

    [woocommerce_currency_switcher_convert_price price="1.99" format_price="no"]

    echo alg_convert_price( array( 'price' => 1.99, 'format_price' => 'no' ) );

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter ozzymuppet


    Perfect – thank you. I’ll upgrade as soon as it comes through.

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