Your website is not using the latest version of code, maybe because there is installed a plugin for managing the website’s cache.
Please, go to the settings page of the plugin (through the menu option: “Settings/Calculated Fields Form”), untick the checkbox: “Activate Javascript Cache”, and press the “Update” button.
Furthermore, you should check the equations defined in your form, because there is an infinite loop between some of calculated fields and their equations, remember that an infinite loop can occur if:
– Field A uses the field B in its equation, the field B uses the field C, and the field C uses the field A closing the loop (the chain of fields can be even longer, but if circle is closed, the loop would be infinite)
There is another issue, in your function you are getting the tags’ values directly using jQuery, and multiplying their values x 1 to convert them in numbers, but you should convert first the numbers’ representation (for example a text with the format 123.345,12) to a valid javascript number before use them (123345.12). Our plugin transforms the numbers to the correct formats when their are used as part of the equations, but it is not the case if you are accessing to the tags’ values directly in your function.
Best regards.