• Resolved abellerby


    I have the following code on my page:

    [events_list category=”rehearsals” limit=”0″ format_header=”<table><tbody><tr><th>Date</th><th>Venue/Time</th><th>Works</th><th>Setup</th><th>Refreshments</th></tr>” format_footer=”</tbody></table>”]<tr><td>#_EVENTDATES</td><td>#_EVENTEXCERPT</td><td>#_EVENTNOTES</td><td>#_ATT{Setup}</td><td>#_ATT{Refreshments}</td></tr>[/events_list]

    On saving, this changes to:

    [events_list category=”rehearsals” limit=”0″ format_header=”
    ” format=”
    ” format_footer=”</tbody>

    Both versions work fine as long as I edit using the Text editor. If I switch to the Visual Editor and Update it changes to :

    <p>[events_list category=”rehearsals” limit=”0″ format_header=”</p>
    <p>” format_footer=”</p>

    This rearranges all the formatting. I really need the tables to constrain the columns.

    I am already using the default format settings for my orchestra concerts but need a different layout for the rehearsals. Is there another way I can do this?

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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    I’m afraid that we are quite limited with regards to the wp visual editor and using autocorrect

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by angelo_nwl.
    Thread Starter abellerby


    Thanks. Is there an easy way to create a custom template for this?

    1.) When switching between Text Editor and the Visual Editor wordpress will often rearrange the content.

    Inserting the <p> tags has long been an issue for many people.
    There are many discussions on this, and plugin to stop WP from doing this.
    Doing a Google search and you see many options to prevent this.

    It can be an headache at times… sometimes you want it.. sometimes you don’t.

    2.) Switching between Text Editor and the Visual Editor often mangles your code.. in Table format and with <ul> tags when a shortcode is inserted.

    Soooo…. if you put your code in the Text Editor and save it.. it should maintain the format

    If you are often editing an existing page.. that you need to switch back and forth between Visual and Text… it’s an headache.
    One option I have used in this type of scenario… is use a plugin… that you would put your “code” in as text..
    and it gives you another short code.. that you place on your page

    The process would be this.
    Create your code that works.
    Use the plugin above…
    In your Admin…
    go to Widgets.
    Click Text and you will get the drop down box and you will see…
    Widgets for Shortcodes
    and Add Widget
    put your working “Code” as text and Save.
    This will generate a new shortcode.. that won’t change on your post or page when you switch back and forth Visual or Text.

    OR.. as mentioned.. don’t switch back and forth between Visual Editor and Text..
    and save when in Text Editor.

    Now… looking at your code…
    I have never used the code format_header in my lists.. but I think you might be doing it incorrectly.
    Maybe try something like this, although it won’t solve the problem your original issue… but I discussed that above.

    [events_list category="rehearsals" limit="5"]
    Thread Starter abellerby


    Thanks for your detailed response. The code above is what I had originally before trying out the format_header & format_footer options. It works either way but the Visual Editor mangles the code in both cases.

    I have been very careful so far and made sure I only edit this page using the Text Editor. That’s fine for me as I know how to fix it but there are other people editing the site who might need to change the text on the page above the table. If they change to the Visual Editor it will mess up the table & I won’t find out until someone tells me! I’m trying to make it foolproof!

    I will try the widget… the alternative would be not to allow anyone else to edit the page…

    What about a custom template? Can I create one just for this page which inserts the page content followed by the events table?

    Thanks again

    my apologies.. I forgot to put my generic disclaimer in my original response…
    I’m not part of support.. just some dude.. ??

    You could probably make a template.. although I think using that plugin I mentioned is a lot easier. I’ve used that plugin for inserting lots of things.. Gxxgle Ads.. Menus.. etc etc.. and it is so easy to swap out what you need with a different Shortcode … or just re-edit your original…

    The plugin I mentioned makes it seem difficult on it’s instructions page.
    Just try as I mentioned above… when you “Save” it generates the shortcode.
    Your done ?? (well… you have to put the shortcode on your page.. then your done).

    I guess it’s apples and oranges.. or kiwis ??
    Hope it works out for you.

    ohhh… quick tip if you use that plugin… There is a place to enter a “Title” for your “Shortcoded Widget” (which is nice if you have tons of these as I do..)
    BUT if you don’t want that “Title” to display.. on the actual page/post.. add in the little bit of code as shown below -> title=”false”
    [do_widget id="text-55" title="false"]

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Robswaimea.
    Thread Starter abellerby


    Many thanks… the widget works really well and keeps the Events Manager shortcodes – which get mangled on swapping – away from the page. I just need to remember not to switch editing modes in the widget – I didn’t even realise the Text widget had a Visual mode!

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