Moving site to another host, white screen problem..Help..
I have a few wordpress sites on a server running CentOS 6.9. Move it to a VM running CentOS 7.0.
All of my other WordPress sites work fine on this host.
Basically I did a mysqldump of the entire db, tar’d up the directory where the wordpress site was, imported the mysqldump data, untar’d into same locations on the VM. This process worked for all but 3. I found out two were because of caching. Removed that plugin, the two work fine. Now I’m down to 1. I bring up the original site and disable all plugins. Mysqldump just that site’s database, tar up the directory and transfer to VM. Once in place all I get is the white screen. Cant see any errors in apache logs,php logs etc. WP_DEBUG only gives “Notice:” and no errors. I’m truly stumped.
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