With all due respect I read the quick installation guide and tried to follow those instructions as closely as possible. Its possible that I may have the wrong info in the wposc-configure file (I used the WP db info) but as I said theres no mention of that in YOUR install guide so its not clear to someone new to your script and ecommerce.
I figure that after a successful install would be the time to read more guides on using the scripts. Until I know I’m actually going to find a script worth using I don’t usually spend hours pouring over documentation on the ends and outs of using it.
I have the wposc-configure file set up with the WP db info. I have “Standalone” defined. I previously tried Symbiosis.
My wp-oscommerce install is in a subfolder of my blog named “store”.
Also, maybe add current page is a wp function BUT IT IS in the wposc code. I’m looking at it right now – add_current_page(); – line 334 of application_top.php in the includes folder.
As for your insinuation that I’m too rushed or lazy to read any documentation its worth noting that I had to take the time to update cpanel on my host to rebuild my apache server software to include curl and openssl before I could install so I wasn’t in that big of a hurry.
BTW – I AM able to access the oscommerce admin area, the error is only when I try to access the catalog.
Thanks, Teros