• A picture says a thousand words: dashboard screenshot

    This is a side effect of setting all the font sizes (and many other elements) in fixed px units and relying on those sizes to get the desired visuals. Those of use who need larger text sizes end up with a broken layout. I think WP has always used fixed font sizes, but it never caused this bad of a problem before.

    Changing the admin CSS to use relative font sizing instead of fixed px values will easily correct this, but now I have to go through the trouble of making a whole plug-in just to fix the flawed styling. It’s ironic that 2.7 is touted as focusing on the user, but you really missed the boat in this respect. And it is so unnecessary. (heavy sigh)

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  • change to FirefoX

    Thread Starter kchayka


    You don’t understand the issue at all if you think Firefox would solve anything. In fact, it’s features of Firefox (and Opera and Safari) that make the problem more pronounced.

    All you need to do is set the browser’s minimum font size setting to something larger than 12px to start seeing the effects. Mine happens to be 17px. Zooming text has the same result.

    That setting is not some random number I chose, trying to make the layout break. It’s the smallest I can tolerate for comfortable reading. A properly designed site will adapt to those settings. WP doesn’t, but there is no reason why it can’t.

    Here’s a novel idea for the developers, which I will repeat as long as it’s necessary:
    – Use themes for the admin controls as well as the forefront.
    – Add the 2.6 layout as a theme so people can customize.
    – Add the admin controls to the admin theme editor. Either in the already existing theme editor or a seperate admin theme editor.

    Thread Starter kchayka


    Here’s a novel idea for the developers, which I will repeat as long as it’s necessary:
    – Use themes for the admin controls as well as the forefront.

    I wholeheartedly vote for this. And I’m not talking about fluff like changing colors or customizing header graphics. If WP wants to be recognized for superior usability, it needs to adapt better to the user’s needs.

    I agree absolutely.

    2.7 seems to have broken fluidity. 2.6 scaled well when I used the browser to zoom to 120%. In 2.7, the right sidebar begins to overlap the edit window, making it unusable. I cannot convert to 2.7 until this is resolved.

    I’m searching right now for ways to deal with this issue. I am slowly realizing that the only way is to do some heavy-duty editing of the WP admin style. This should not be necessary.

    [Edited to add:]

    I just realized that I can drag all of the elements in the right sidebar and drop them under the edit window, thereby working around the problem. Not entirely satisfactory but better than nothing. I still support admin themes.

    Anonymous User



    Just used Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox to check the admin panel using the control button and mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out and cannot reproduce the results.

    Which browser did this occur in?
    What do you mean by setting “the browser minimum pixel size”?

    Having said that, afaik, font-sizes should be in points or percentages.
    Personally I find points easier to work with.

    They are talking about font resizing. You are talking about zooming. That’s completely different.

    Anonymous User


    Most, if not all, of the major browsers have zooming nowadays. This to overcome the problem of the breaking of layouts regardless of the units used for fonts as I understand it.

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Edit: o.k. found the setting discussed in the topic in the browser. I see what you mean. Using the options in Firefox I am able to duplicate the error.

    Would including a custom admin css solve the problem? How would you do this?

    If needed I can help convert and write the font-size codes in the css.

    Just want to converge on best practice before writing an overriding css stylesheet.

    Anonymous User


    Just checked my own site in which I currently use pt’s instead of em’s and percentages for fonts and pixels for dimensions (instead of em’s) because recently I discovered it is more solid to style (cross browser wise), and the text flows out some of the divs. Not to mention form fields which don’t scale nice either using the font resizing. I always check the text size and the effect on the layout. With the zooming I completely looked over this as everything appeared to be fine. So note not to just rely on the zoom function.

    Glad I read this topic. Hopefully in the future browsers will use the same technology for custom font sizes as they do for zoom. Bit odd really. It would make my life a lot easier, in any case. Just too many choices for people really in my opinion.

    Thanks for pointing that out chodo.


    Just read again that em and percentage are the recommended units for screen and not points. Cited the incorrect units in the earlier post, got that mixed up somewhere. My apologies for that. Unfortunately I can’t place the correction in the actual post anymore.


    I salute you for being willing to help out fellow WP users who can’t read little, tiny font.

    But usability should not be something that WP needs to be hacked to produce.

    I have an issue with layout, similar but not quite what you’ve got going…I added NextGen Gallery & Cforms, both of which put a button on my editor and have extended the editor (only) underneath the publish/cat boxes on the right hand side…making me unable to see the right edge (about an inch) of the text area while I’m typing a post…very annoying.

    Still figuring out how to fix it w/out removing the buttons…just wanted to vent.

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