Thank you for responding.
I did see that page and addressing the suggestions on that page are part of “many things” that I’ve tried. That said, I’m not 100% sure I’m in compliance with that list so I’m happy to start there for troubleshooting.
1. Tested with both global and widget settings at 10 and null (using default). The testimonial does seem to change sometimes on page refresh, but not while simply viewing the page.
2. I’m using the built-in widget in the sidebar so my thinking is this doesn’t apply. Please let me know if this is true.
3. same as #2.
4. I’ve confirmed both the existence of wp_footer() in my theme and that it is generating JavaScript in the html of my page (see below).
<script type="text/javascript">
var tw_2 = null;
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
tw_2 = jQuery('.testimonials-widget-testimonials2').bxSlider({
adaptiveHeight: true,
auto: true,
autoControls: true,
autoHover: true,
controls: false,
mode: 'fade',
pager: false,
pause: 2000,
video: false,
slideMargin: 2,
slideWidth: 0
5. I don’t believe it is included twice. Like the image on the FAQ, I have several jquery-<some plugin>.js files being included, but only one jquery.js (?ver=1.12.4). There is however a file called jquery-migrate-min.js.
6. There are no errors, but if I change the results to “verbose”, I see the following:
[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking ‘touchstart’ event. Consider marking event handler as ‘passive’ to make the page more responsive. jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking ‘touchmove’ event. Consider marking event handler as ‘passive’ to make the page more responsive. jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking ‘touchstart’ event. Consider marking event handler as ‘passive’ to make the page more responsive. jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking ‘touchmove’ event. Consider marking event handler as ‘passive’ to make the page more responsive.
7. Running jquery 1.12.4
I was going to attempt to uninstall/reinstall, but I don’t believe your plugin supports export/import (I could probably figure it out in phpmyadmin, but I’d rather not have to go that route).