I presume that you would like to modify the “You are currently logged in as %1$s. %2$s” string.
You will need to use some custom code:
1. Create an empty plugin like this: https://gist.github.com/sareiodata/76f701e01db6685829db
2. Add the following code to the end of it:
* Filter the logged in message from the PB login form to display the first name and last name instead of username
* The first name and last name links to Edit Profile
add_filter('wppb_login_message', 'wppbc_custom_logged_in_msg_3', 10, 3);
function wppbc_custom_logged_in_msg_3($logged_in_message, $user_id, $display_name){
$user = get_userdata ($user_id);
$first_name = $user->first_name;
$last_name = $user->last_name;
$user_url = '<a href="https://www.yoursite.com/edit-your-profile" class="wppb-author-url" title="'. $first_name . $last_name .'">'. $first_name .' '. $last_name . '</a>';
$logout_url = '<a href="'.wp_logout_url( $redirectTo = wppb_curpageurl() ).'" class="wppb-logout-url" title="'.__( 'Log out of this account', 'profilebuilder' ).'">'. __( 'Log out', 'profilebuilder').' »</a>';
return '<p class="wppb-alert">' . sprintf(__( 'Hi, %1$s. %2$s', 'profilebuilder' ), $user_url, $logout_url ) . '</p><!-- .alert-->';
3. Replace “https://www.yoursite.com/edit-your-profile” with the URL of your Edit Profile page
Install this plugin via FTP (copy it inside wp-content/plugins) or create a zip archive with it and install it via the WordPress plugin upload functionality
Let me know if it works.
Best regards,