• I don′t know what this plugin would look like in the past, but now it’s awesome.

    In addition to everything mentioned in the features, I highlight 2 very interesting options that I have not seen in other free plugins:

    Build the subscription form as you wish, regardless of the sample models. See example, which is not any of the pre-built models, and yet one of the most used.

    subscription form suspsystic

    Send newsletter perfectly in Spanish. This is an issue that deals with Supsystic, because when I discovered the plugin, it did not correctly send newsletters with ‘accents’ and letter ‘?’, which caused it to reach the spam mail in Gmail. By correcting this, it arrives well to the Gmail promotions folder from ‘WordPress PHP Mail’. This is the minimum. Although in Hotmail it got unwanted mail tray. Hotmail is a less formal mail (compared to Gmail), you can always tell your customer about that delivery and look there.

    Among the characteristics, mention is made of the creation of lists of subscribers. That’s a real gift, in a free plugin. The most similar thing I found during 1 year of searching for free plugins of this type, was ‘Magic Action Box’, but this does not allow to easily build your own form, nor create subscription lists.

    Most people do is create the list from a nice form, and then transfer it to your email marketing client, from which to send the Newsletter. Well, here’s what you can do with this plugin, in case you want to send less than 80 emails per hour. If you are sending a few emails a day, you can use the newsletter of this plugin.
    – Note: This limit of submissions (80 emails per hour) is not plugin problem, it is problem if your web hosting is on a shared server. It is a security measure not to saturate the number of requests to the web server. Which could cause your web not to work well.

    I am still working locally and online test server (but not public), in any case the work of the plugin is perfect (online test server) and the author has been concerned to fix everything related to the Spanish language and help build my own form a my taste. I can only have words of thanks and hope that the Pro version does not delete things from the free version ??

    Congratulations! This is a great job. I hope one day there will be an international awards event for plugin creators, as good and useful as this one (and others that you do).

    Greetings and great work to those who are behind Supsystic! Muchas gracias ??

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Joan Morci. Reason: Correct word: Supsystic
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