Hi Deyson,
I am not sure that OpenSans font (which is default when you install and activate the plugin) supports all the characters in the world, such as Korean. You have to go to Google Fonts website and check/search for fonts that come with characters required.
https://fonts.google.com/ (e.g. check Noto font)
Also, on this page as of now you may find several fonts that specifically support Korean language:
But, those fonts are not yet mainlined, so I will not include them yet.
You may edit plugin’s main file @ line #421 and replace it with URL for earlyaccess font (and select NOTO or simply hard-code the link, this will render plugin’s settings non-functional, but should fix your problem with missing symbols).
e.g. replace this segment in above line:
'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . $admin_custom_font_family_format_url_param . ':400,700&subset=cyrillic,cyrillic-ext,greek,greek-ext,latin-ext,vietnamese'
and it should work (remember to delete browser’s cache if you do not see any changes).