2.8 seconds for me today, maybe I’m just closer to the datacenter. Distance doesn’t play a big role in speed, but it does play some. Those closer to the datacenter will always load faster.
To see how that plays out, try testing your site with the different locations available on https://www.webpagetest.org/
You could certainly switch hosting providers to get one that’s closer to you, therefore decreasing your load time, but it will increase others load times as you’d now be further from them.
Site speed is mostly a balancing act between how much quality (think image quality and javascript-based functionality) you want to sacrifice for speed, and that’s why with scores of 90% and 95%, I don’t think it’s worth pushing any further.
You could make your site load quicker than 3, 4, or 5 seconds, but really in the grand scheme of things, who is going to notice or care after you put in all that work? You’re at that point now in the balance where the amount of work put into fine-tune things won’t be worth the barely noticeable results, or may even affect the quality of your site overall (like the person to the left of “Trenger Du Hjelp Med Noe?” who’s already looking rather fuzzy on a HiDPI screen).