Hi Bradvin,
Thanks again for continuing to thing about this issue. I installed your download above on a test site from scratch and am still experiencing the same odd issues. Here are details of what I did.
After installing the plugin from the link above, I created a brand new gallery on a different test site.
Inside the Foo Gallery edit page, I click on the “i” icon on top of the image to access the image editing section so I coul create a new thumbnail crop.
That took me to a Media Library tab and on the right, I clicked on Edit Image.
On the next screen labeled Edit Media, under Image Crop on the right, I set aspect ratio (1 : 1) and tried to make the selection be 225 x 225 but the selection fields were grayed out.
Under Thumbnail settings – Apply changes to thumbnail = yes.
I clicked the gray crop icon.
Tried to drag inside photo to select new thumbnail region.
Clicked gray crop icon again. Nothing happens.
Image is not constrained to a square, either.
Then “NaN” appears in the Selection fields.
(This is not unique to your new plugin version – happens to me consistently)
I clicked Cancel.
Then clicked Edit image below image to start over.
I tried to redo the thumbnail image. This time clicking crop icon second time to confirm worked.
Clicked Update to save.
Go back to the actual gallery page and refresh. The new cropped thumbnail isn’t appearing on the actual page.
Go back to Foo Settings and click Clear Gallery HTML cache.
Go back to Gallery in edit mode.
Click the “i” icon on image whose thumbnail I want to change.
Click Edit Image on the right.
Re-select new crop region.
get “Selection: NaN x Nan” error in box.
Click Cancel.
Click Edit Image under image.
Try again.
This time cropping works, click Update to save.
Refresh gallery page. New cropped thumbnail is still not appearing on the actual page.
Go back to Gallery. New cropped thumb is not appearing on the main Edit Gallery page either.
Finally, I went to the Media Library directly to edit the image instead of clicking on the image inside Foo Gallery’s edit gallery page.
I created a new cropped thumbnail, saved it. Refreshed the gallery page. It still isn’t appearing.
Went back to open the gallery in edit mode – new crop IS appearing there. But the browser won’t display it on the actual page.
Here’s a link to the test page/gallery. If you want login credentials you can contact me directly for them.