• I tried this: https://jeffcohan.com/responsive-lightbox-by-dfactory-foogallery/

    but it didn’t change anything.

    Does anyone have step-by-step instructions to make Responsive Lightbox by dFactory work with FooGallery?

    Especially helpful would be a description of what I would expect to see (for example, should the additional lightbox show up along side Foobox, None?)

    Alternately, could someone provide a list of FooGallery supported lightboxes?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by aaron843.
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  • I followed the same page’s instructions and also did not get it to work until I also went in and edited my previously created FooGallery galleries. In the settings, you have to set the “lightbox” field to “None”.

    In my case I initially did not have a setting available until I installed and activated the free FooBox plugin (free for 7 days). I installed the plugin and that gave me the above setting drop-menu option. I then set “None” as the lightbox setting for all my FooGallery galleries and that allowed the hook for the dFactory plugin to work.

    Plugin Author bradvin


    I am planning to build in support for this lightbox in the next release

    Plugin Author bradvin


    Hi Brad

    Is RL from dFactory now supported? I tried it now but I don’t get an option for it in the drop down box in Foo Gallery.




    I am trying to make the Nivo Lightbox from Responsive Lightbox by dFactory to work along with FooGallery, unsuccessfully. It works well to display one picture, but the navigation buttons are missing, the hook with the picture works, but not with the gallery.

    The issue also concerns others lightboxes from Responsive Lightbox by dFactory, but the FancyBox one seems to work, I don’t know why …

    Any idea to make Nivo works well with FooGallery ?

    Thanks in advance !


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