• Hey everybody,

    Just wanted to let you guys know about the recent launch of https://WP4RE.com

    The objective of this site is to explore the many possibilities of using WordPress for Real Estate purposes. This will be accomplished by providing reviews and links to WordPress Real Estate plugins, hacks, widgets, and other enhancements. I plan to build a very extensive real estate SEO section too in efforts of helping real estate agents and web developers market their sites successfully.

    I’ll be straight up and say the original reason of this site was to sell WordPress Real Estate themesup to fully configured/installed real estate sites, and to a large degree still is, however, I’ve since decided to try and make it a resource center first, a theme site second. Bare with though me while I struggle a little bit with capitalism.

    Feel free to give constructive feedback. I want this site to work really well for all involved.

    Have a good one!

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  • Love the themes you have. I have a quick question, I wasn’t aware that you could have WordPress in your URL, I have a domain I wanted to publish but was told I could not because it has WordPress in it.

    Great job on your project

    I wasn’t aware that you could have WordPress in your URL, I have a domain I wanted to publish but was told I could not because it has WordPress in it.

    youre correct, its a trademark violation.


    thats not to say that there arent plenty of wankers willing to to do it

    I’ll be honest, my initial reaction to the theme of this site is that it looks like a role playing game.

    lol, i didnt look until know. Dark mustard and pukey purple? Reminds me of an appetizer I ate last night at my company Christmas party ??

    or did you mean **this** site?

    Thread Starter JHouse


    Yeah bro brah, your site’s ultra sick too: https://www.village-idiot.org/

    Wasn’t aware of the trademark issues. Will have to make changes.

    Thanks to all for the feedback.

    Some cool stuff, I did enjoy a lot of your themes. Didn’t get a chance to view the backend, but I am sure its just as good. We just made and released a GPL real estate theme for WordPress as well. Reception has been decent. I think realtors are finally realizing that something as ubiquitous as WordPress works great to sell real estate.

    Would be interesting to hear some feedback from realtors using WordPress and some of the free themes as a base for their site dealing with real estate.

    Thread Starter JHouse


    Bryan, you should create your own post about your themes instead of injecting them in mine or others. This is the second time you’ve done this in my threads.

    By the way, to all, I did end up changing the web address to: https://www.WPforRealEstate.com due to trademark restrictions.


    Thanks for this thread. I have a new Minnesota Real Estate News Blog and Featured Lake Homes here. It is a WP blog utilizing the athalupa theme. Featured Properties, Real Estate News, Brainerd Lakes Area Info. Stop by, your feedback is appreciated!

    JHouse – Your theme there looks really similar to the themes released by StudioPress. Anyone else agree?

    I designed a real estate site for a client and since I am here….here it is: Ken Carlson Realty

    Thread Starter JHouse


    ponderconsulting: I don’t own WordPress for Real Estate anymore and thus the theme has changed. Yes, it looks a little similar to the Studio Press one, but I did not create it, the new site owner did. Plus, a lot of designs look similar to the one you pointed out. Everybody is kinda following each other, myself included from time to time.

    I’m still focused on creating real estate web sites you can control with the help of WordPress and some of the WordPress real estate plugins and such. I have about 7 real estate web design themes on the site and many more underway. Stay tuned!

    Since we’re on the topic of WP Real Estate themes, I have a very full featured Premium Real Estate theme available for only $25 per license:


    Quick list of features, NO PLUGINS REQUIRED:

    Custom Theme Administration Panel, Custom Write Post Panel, sIFR 3, Dynamic Image Resizing, Built-in Google Maps w/Geo Coding by Address, Multiple Images Per Listing,Searchable listings, Blog Functionality , Utilizes Clean and Semantic XHTML and CSS, Very scalable page structure

    Contempoinc, that’s a real sharp-looking theme! I like the clean and modern look that it has. It seems that there really aren’t that many professionally-designed themes for real estate.

    I was going around trying to find all that I could and ended up compiling them into a post and I was surprised that there aren’t more themes out there.

    You can check out what I have found and rounded up on my post (I think it’s one of the most comprehensive for real estate-related themes):

    [link moderated]

    As far as premium themes, it seems that those tend to be a little more polished and professional-looking for a real estate professional.

    JHouse, Blogsite look sweet m8, Helen888 Maybe u should stop posting ur site in everyone elses threads, Atleast comment on thiers!

    We offer the customization of any theme out there! And you tell us what you are willing to pay! NO Reasonable Offer Refused!

    Premium WordPress Sites for Real Estate Professionals.


    Thread Starter JHouse


    Thanks Factstream for your comments, much appreciated. I lol at these spammers.

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