First of all, you definitely do not want to be deleting WP SQL tables. You might want to be deleting rows from your WordPress option table. A Google search comes up with this handy how to: (follow the instructions for ‘Using phpMyAdmin to Remove Obsolete Plugin Options’ and instead or removing transient options, only remove options ‘giftwrap_header’, ‘giftwrap_button’, ‘giftwrap_text_label’ from your wp_options db table). Only remove those three.
OR run the SQL command from you phphMyAdmin:
DELETE FROM wp_options
WHERE option_name
LIKE (‘giftwrap_header’) OR option_name
LIKE (‘giftwrap_button’) OR option_name
LIKE (‘giftwrap_text_label’);
If you’ve changed your WP database table prefix, you may need to change wp_ for your own prefix (myprefix_ for example) where it says “wp_options.”
Until I have resources (time) to put into this plugin again, that’s your best fix. Since this is a free plugin and people don’t support development of this one at all, that’s about the best I can do for you now. It’s not optimal, but it is free.