• I’ve been monitoring my wordpress installation (which I have had for nearly two years) and I’ve begun to notice a number of database related errors coming through my apache/error.log. An example of some of these are:

    I did have a forum plugin installed (wp-forum) but I recently removed that.. is there a way to rebuild my database? I’m wondering if its just got a bunch of previous plugin cruft in it. I need to, of course, keep my posts, comments, categories and links.

    Thanks for any ideas.

    [Thu Nov 06 20:13:35 2008] [error] [client xx.x.x.xxx] WordPress database error Table ‘forum.blog_openid_identities’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT url FROM blog_openid_identities WHERE user_id = ” made by _get_user_openids

    [Thu Nov 06 20:14:37 2008] [error] [client xx.xx.xxx.xx] WordPress database error Table ‘ubuntututorials.phpbb_term_taxonomy’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT tt.term_id FROM phpbb_term_taxonomy tt, phpbb_term_relationships tr WHERE tt.taxonomy = ‘category’ AND tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id AND tr.object_id = 173 made by wp_get_related_posts

    [Thu Nov 06 20:16:19 2008] [error] [client xx.xxx.xx.xxx] WordPress database error Table ‘forum.blog_sponsorme’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT SUM(amount) FROM blog_sponsorme WHERE verified <> ‘N’ made by docommon_SponsorMe_sidebar, referer: https://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=trash+ubuntu&btnG=Google-Suche&meta=

    [Thu Nov 06 20:16:47 2008] [error] [client xx.xxx.xxx.xxx] WordPress database error Table ‘forum.blog_links’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT * , IF (DATE_ADD(link_updated, INTERVAL 120 MINUTE) >= NOW(), 1,0) as recently_updated , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(link_updated) AS link_updated_f FROM blog_links WHERE 1=1 AND link_visible = ‘Y’ ORDER BY link_name ASC made by get_bookmarks, referer: https://planet.ubuntu.com/

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