Overflowing header image is cloaking footer
It was recommended that I move this post here.
I’m running the 2017 theme on WP 4.7.3. The only change I’ve made is to modify the CSS to decrease the height of the Front Page header to approx. 50%. It behaved perfectly until I uploaded featured images to the Front Page Sections. At that point, when I scrolled down to the footer, I found the bottom half of the header image was obscuring the footer widget and copyright statement. When I remove those featured images, it doesn’t help. But when I remove all the Front Page Sections, leaving only the Front Page, the footer widget and copyright statement return. Activating any Front Page Section, with or without featured image, makes the problem recur.
The site is here: https://searchnewscentral.co.uk/
My concern is that the widget content and copyright statement, even though invisible (or covered by the bottom half of the header image), is still in the source code, which means Google would see it as cloaked content. Any idea what may be causing this?
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