let me say some thinks…..
I have tested yesterday with the problem withe the autoupdate feuter of WordPress. In WP 2.6.x and lower i will have the problem too and im sershing again. In WP 2.7 dev i can not find a problem.
The Options Page:
1.I will implement some more featurs in the widget but it will too many and to dificuld for Widget Options box.
2. if you remove a Widget all Options are deleted that are not on Options Page.
3. U can place more widgest with the same Options with only one select. And it can for K2SBM, widges or PHP function.
The Options Page make some many thins easyer than make it in the widget and i have long time think over this step.
Th 3.5.9 Version can found under “Older Versions” on WP Plungins Page for MiniMeta Widget
And I will make more on the usage tab.