• Is pagination ‘well-hidden’ in 2.6 because there is a plan to phase it out?

    Please link me to development document/blog/anything that has thoughts/plans on the subject. I’m not glad that the [newpage] or whatever it was tags that I used in earlier versions are now completely unused and the readers of my stories are forced to load the whole thing at once. I break my stories into chapters.

    Please bring pagination back, and perhaps do it better… <3

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  • i never found the button to make pages for posts!

    i had to enter the code manually.

    wordpress cannot eliminate pagination of posts! it’s part of blogging.

    do tell me if you have the pagination button in your wordpress installation.

    Thread Starter illys


    I believe I had to get ahold of a plugin even back in 2.2 for it, but I remember there being a button beside ‘…More’ for splitting up the post into a new page. Even if there wasn’t (and I can always do a test-install of that old version n a fresh directory or ibay, ) keeping pagination out of the core features would be as bad an idea as adding in tags was a very, <i>very good idea</i>.

    I think it was a feature to the post-making toolbar back in 2005-2006, so rather many versions back, but I think I can quite understand if they are looking to eliminate confusion between ‘Newer posts’ and ‘older posts’ in the navigation between blog entries. I think hi is mostly a templating and wording issue though, and should not be a valid reason to shy away from the feature/having pagination as a core feature.

    Of course the wordpress team has known what they are doing since the very beginning, since <!–newpage–> is something I can easily remember using, since y stories hit the 500kb mark when getting loaded all at once.

    Ok, it’s version 1.5 that has a plugin, an old one, called [url=”https://www.scriptygoddess.com/archives/2004/05/23/wppaginate/”%5DwpPaginate%5B/url%5D, so that should fit with my time using it – 2004-2005.

    But a plugin for 2.5/2.6 I haven’t found… Ah, let’s try the plugin database. post again in a bit.

    Thread Starter illys


    Ok, there is a support page on paginating posts:


    But to use pagination, your blog template needs to have the wp_link_pages() loop in it, as written here:


    I believe the default wordpress themes have this function (wp_link_pages) per default, but of course it can be done by hand.

    This plugin looks to be ideal, as it adds in the tinyMCE (post editor) buttons:

    And while pagination links can be nicely stylized by hand and with css, there are plugins to do it for you.

    Currently I need to re-do all this myself in my posts, so.. I can’t get back to you on [i]which[/i] plugins.

    Thread Starter illys


    And by the way, it’s ‘<!–nextpage–>’, not ‘<!–newpage–>’.

    yeap this is one button which i miss on the wordpress toolbar. it should be on the html toolbar along with more. it is even missing from the advanced toolbar in visual mode!

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