• There are certain requests that pop up constantly in the 404 logs, that I would like to just skip over, without logging to Redirection’s 404 list. I’m not clear on how to do this. For example, I get a ton of requests for /.well-know/dnt-policy.txt. I don’t want to add an invalid file to prevent the 404, and I don’t want to redirect those requests either, I’d rather just… let them go.

    Would this involve the “pass-through” feature?

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  • Delta Systems


    If you dont want them in your 404 log, then setup a redirect on that file to a legit “404” page of your choosing. That will keep your 404 log “clean”. As you see more you want to ignore, just send em all to your 404 page. We do this a lot to cut down on static/noise in the logs that may mask real issues.

    Delta Systems


    If you do want to ignore a 404 error (for example, you site may not have a favicon.ico and you don’t want this recorded) then you should create redirections as normal, but set the action to ‘Do nothing’.

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