
    I’ve had no end of problems with this plugin and I have had enough. I downloaded and installed based on a review/recommendation from a website as being the best WYSIWYG editor.

    My experience has been far from that!

    1. Tried getting support through the community forums – nothing, and it’s been over a month.
    2. Responsive doesn’t work – the columns do not respond to screen sizes. I have had to manually create responsive media queries to change the layout.
    3. Tailored pages just disappear and become uneditable – I tried to edit my contact page using tailor and the page was blank – I tried to re-add the content (it was a basic page so I figured it would be easy to re-add) but none of the elements could be added to the page – the page is basically uneditable using tailor.

    I liked it due to the low overhead of the plugin but low overheads are only good if the plugin actually works!!

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by SJW. Reason: Response from developer earnt upgrade
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  • Plugin Author Andrew Worsfold


    Hi @whitsey,

    Can you recall anything in particular that you did prior to the pages becoming uneditable? When you say that they disappear, is that just when editing again in Tailor?

    I’m sorry that you didn’t get a timely response on your other query, but as this is a free plugin I have to prioritise support and updates relative to my full-time job which can get difficult at times as I’m sure you can appreciate.

    If you are still interested: columns within are responsive but they use the media breakpoints defined by the WordPress Customizer (which I acknowledge aren’t ideal and don’t represent all modern device sizes). These can be overridden using CSS, however it’s not possible to change the widths associated with “desktop”, “tablet” and “mobile” screensizes within Tailor (yet).


    Thread Starter SJW


    Upgraded review based on prompt feedback.

    Tailored pages disappearing – extensive testing has uncovered that it just seems to be one page which I am editing – I am not modifying anything – In fact, every time I try to “Tailor” it – I get a blank screen – then I go to Text Edit mode and delete, start again – I have done this 3-4 times – fixed Tailor – come back a few days later – can’t edit again – can’t do anything until I delete all code and start again.

    This is a stab in the wind, but the only difference between this page and other pages:
    1. contact form shortcode
    2. google maps iframe

    Responsive – tried changing the media queries using code I found in support forums but that didn’t work either – I have just manually created css to force responsive



    I also noticed certain pages not working with Tailor — it seems that this plugin is not compatible with certain plugins. I was trying to tailor a page that had a “ninja forms” contact form on it, and it had a javascript error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘tailor_image’ of undefined
    at n.<anonymous> (canvas.min.js:1)
    at _ (backbone.min.js?ver=1.2.3:1)
    at m (backbone.min.js?ver=1.2.3:1)
    at f (backbone.min.js?ver=1.2.3:1)
    at n.u.trigger (backbone.min.js?ver=1.2.3:1)
    at Object._triggerMethod (backbone.marionette.min.js:1)
    at n.f.triggerMethod (backbone.marionette.min.js:1)
    at n.start (backbone.marionette.min.js:2)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (canvas.min.js:1)
    at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)

    I really hope this is fixed soon, because I love this plugin so much, it has so much potential. It just needs to work out a few kinks and be tested with more plugins for compatibility.

    Plugin Author Andrew Worsfold


    Thanks, both.


    Do you see any errors in the browser console when you have trouble (right click -> Inspect)? If you disable those plugins, does Tailor load?


    I’ll take a look at the Ninja Forms plugin to see what could be causing the issue.


    Thread Starter SJW


    Yep, getting an error:


    Uncaught ReferenceError: nfForms is not defined
        at n.initialize (formData.js:20)
        at n.s.Object (front-end-deps.js?ver=3.0.31:20)
        at new n (backbone.min.js?ver=1.2.3:1)
        at n.initialize (loadControllers.js:130)
        at n.s.Object (front-end-deps.js?ver=3.0.31:20)
        at new n (backbone.min.js?ver=1.2.3:1)
        at n.initialize (main.js:58)
        at n.s.Object (front-end-deps.js?ver=3.0.31:20)
        at n.constructor (front-end-deps.js?ver=3.0.31:21)
        at new n (backbone.min.js?ver=1.2.3:1)
    initialize	@	formData.js:20
    s.Object	@	front-end-deps.js?ver=3.0.31:20
    n	@	backbone.min.js?ver=1.2.3:1
    initialize	@	loadControllers.js:130
    s.Object	@	front-end-deps.js?ver=3.0.31:20
    n	@	backbone.min.js?ver=1.2.3:1
    initialize	@	main.js:58
    s.Object	@	front-end-deps.js?ver=3.0.31:20
    constructor	@	front-end-deps.js?ver=3.0.31:21
    n	@	backbone.min.js?ver=1.2.3:1
    (anonymous)	@	main.js:130
    u	@	almond.js:314
    (anonymous)	@	almond.js:388
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