• Subscribing to iCal Feeds does not work. Goggle Calendar button works just fine.

    Adding #_EVENTICALLINK into the calendar format Single Event page only results in the display of a very long text string.

    Can anyone share a solution to this error? Does anyone have a working version of the add event to iCal link using this #_EVENTICALLINK that works?

    Here is what I get. Just a bunch of text, no connection to iCal.
    BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//wp-events-plugin.com//5.6624//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:[email protected] DTSTART:20170319T150000Z DTEND:20170319T210000Z DTSTAMP:20170311T184117Z URL:https://www.southfloridamiata.com/events/islamorada-seafood-festival-art-show/ SUMMARY:Islamorada Seafood Festival and Art Show DESCRIPTION:The Islamorada Seafood Festival and Art Show features inventive seafood samplings from 20 of Islamorada’s top restaurants\, with libations and local craft beers available\, plus local art and libations\, live music\, belly dancing\, Junkanoo\, and all kinds of family fun activities. ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://i1.wp.com/www.southfloridamiata.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/IslamoradaSeafoodFest800.jpg?fit=800%2C324 CATEGORIES:gathering,Road Trip LOCATION:Islamorada Moose Lodge\, 81573 Old Highway\, Islamorada\, FL\, 33036\, middle Keys\, United States GEO:24.9154759;-80.63794310000003 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=81573 Old Highway\, Islamorada\, FL\, 33036\, middle Keys\, United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=Islamorada Moose Lodge:geo:24.9154759;-80.63794310000003 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR

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  • What happens when you add this to iCal?

    Thread Starter robertburr


    I was expecting a button like the google calendar button or a link that would add this event to the user’s iCalendar, not some text that must be copied and pasted into another program. This will only confuse members.

    I found the way to subscribe to the iCal feed.

    Can we get a button like the google button that ads to a users iCalendar?

    The Google calendar button outputs the same file as the iCalendar link, the only difference is that the file is forced as a download. If iCalendar can use the same data, presumably you could use the same button?

    I may be suggesting something that doesn’t make sense; I don’t use a Mac / iPhone.

    Thread Starter robertburr


    There are many sites that allow the simple click of a button to add an event item to one’s personal iCal calendar. I believe other web sites use a method that includes asking the user to which iCloud email address (belonging to that user) the file should be sent. Does this make sense? Is there a way to implement this easily? Thanks for the help and advice.

    Thread Starter robertburr


    Just to clarify, when I use the current link (#_EVENTICALLINK), it opens a text file in my browser, rather than download the event .ics file to the desktop or the downloads folder. Is that behavior the issue? If the file was downloaded, rather than displayed in the browser, I could click on it and add the event to my calendar. Is this correct?

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