• Hi. I have a client that needed to assign roles based on the value of custom NeonCRM fields. I modified the plugin code to do that. I followed the pattern used for Membership Terms. Essentially, if a checkbox labeled “Should roles be assigned based on NeonCRM custom field values?” is set on the Settings screen, the list of the organization’s custom fields is shown. If the custom field is of type ONE_LINE_TEXT or MULTI_LINE_TEXT there is an input text box that allows you to supply a comparison value. Otherwise if the custom field type is DROPDOWN, CHECKBOX, RADIO then a drop down list of valid values is shown for selecting a comparison value. A different role can be assigned to each custom field value. When the WordPress User is created from the NeonCRM user, if the NeonCRM user’s custom field value matches what was input in the settings, then the role provided in settings is assigned to the WordPress User. I also modified the code to allow multiple roles to be assigned to a user since we needed more granular access control. Would you like to add these updates to the existing plugin or should I fork my own version?

    Thanks for the work on the initial plugin and leading the way.

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  • Plugin Author colinpizarek


    Hi Steven,

    I’d love to take a look at what you’ve done. Barring any red flags, I anticipate this could be incorporated into the existing code for everyone. Please send it along to [email protected] and we’ll be in touch.



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