Ok, so these are the two pages where I am changing “Show Front Page” and “Static”.
(See backendshowfront.png and backendstatic.png)
When “Show Front Page” is ON, and “Front page displays” is set to “Your latest post” then the home/front page looks like this:
(See homefrontpage.png)
This is just using the “Services” and “Portfolio” theme options. This looks good, but we either want to add content to that page, or make a new page that is more easily manipulated.
When I turn “Front page displays” to “A static page” then I get this:
(See homestaticfront.png)
With these settings it seems like it is taking ALL of the content I put on the page, and squishing it under each “service”.
When I turn off “Show Front Page” in “Theme General Options” I get this:
(See homeunshowfrontstatic.png)
Where it is the home page that I manually created, but it squishes the content to the left, and adds a sidebar to the right… Even though, when I edit that page, I have it set to “Full Width Page”