• On and off this week when people visit my site, they see a message that the Hoefler Text is not found and they see diamonds in place of the font. I’m not sure what this means or how to fix it.

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  • Site looks ok. Do you have a link to a page that has these errors.



    My site has this also. I think it only shows to certain visitor that fit criteria of the malware. Need help fixing this also. This page shows images that depict it – https://malwaretips.com/blogs/remove-the-hoeflertext-font-wasnt-found-virus/. There is lots of information online for users to remove the malware from the computer, but not for removing the related files from the website.

    Did you fix this??

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by RGW.


    I also have the same problem and I don’t know how to solve it! If someone can help it would be greatly appreciated.



    I found large strings of code at the top of all of the page templates and practically every file that makes up wordpress. I contacted my web host to restore the site to before this code was there. Someone is still saying they see this error on my site, so not sure if it’s totally fixed or hopefully a problem at their end.

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